All elements are radiating in phase, and the resultant wave front is perpendicular to the axis of the element array.
所有单元发射相位一致,合成的波前垂直于单元阵列轴线。 |
All elements fuse into a seamless organic whole.
所有的元素将会融合成为一个连续的有机整体。 |
All elements is a substance all of whose atoms have the same atomic number.
原子是一种其所有原子的原子序都相同的物质。 |
All eleven will appear today at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court.
所有11名嫌疑犯出现在今天的威斯敏斯特的地方法庭。 |
All else being equal, the price would then move up again, giving everybody who had traded against the fund a profit.
在其它条件相同的情况下,交易价格接着会再次走高,给每个买进该基金抛出股票的投资者带来利润。 |
All employee contracts are enforceable by law, and both employees and employers can be held liable for any unauthorized violation of a contract.
所有劳动合同都受法律保护,雇员和雇主都要为违反劳动合同的行为负责。 |
All employees and applicants for employment should receive fair and equitable treatment in all aspects of personnel management without regard to political affiliation, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or handicapping condi
参考译文:所有雇员和求职者,不论其政治派别、种族、肤色、宗教、民族、性别、婚姻状况、年龄或身残情况,在人事管理的各个方面,均应受到公正合理的对待。 |
All employees must obey the arrangement from supervisors/management, complete own duty seriously, cherish company belongings, can not leave working post arbitrarily, Intentionally destroy company belongs will two times compensation, damage or loose tools/
上班必须服从上司安排,认真做好本职工作,爱护厂部一切财物,不许擅自离开工作岗位,故意损坏公司财务两倍赔偿,损坏和遗失工具设备者必须照价赔偿,上班时间未经许可或非工作所需不可随便到非本人工作区走动。 |
All employees of the hotel obey the operation motto”Customers first &service first” and await your patronage.
酒店全体员工信守“服务至上,宾客第一”的经营宗旨,热忱恭候社会各界朋友的光临惠顾。 |
All employers know that phrases such as brand equityare all too easy to spout, and that they should look instead for signs of genius in costly signals, for example, a useless but difficult degree - such as an MBA.
所有的雇主都知道,像“品牌资产”这样的话太容易讲了,所以他们应该在昂贵的信号中寻找天才的迹象——比如MBA。 |
All endowments are co-created to work in unison with all others, each providing a necessary piece of the puzzle to ensure the dance and ultimately evolution of the whole.
所有的禀赋都被共同创造去与所有其他工作在和谐中,每一个人提供难题的必需片段来确保舞蹈和最终的整体进化。 |