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She is accustomed to narrow her eyes to watch because of her myopia.

She is able to slide into a room without anyone noticing. 她有本事悄悄溜进房间而不被人发现。
She is about to retire. 她马上就要退休了。
She is absent-mindedly washing a plate. 她心不在焉地刷洗盘子。
She is account for bringing up two children. 她一个人负起抚养两个孩子的全部责任.
She is accurate at figures. 她计算准确。
She is accustomed to narrow her eyes to watch because of her myopia. 因为有点近视,她有眯着眼睛看人的习惯。
She is aching to go home. 她正盼望著回家。
She is acknowledged as the best tennis-player in the world. 她被公认为是世界最佳网球选手。
She is acting as a private individual in this matter. 她在这个问题上只代表她个人意见.
She is active in her church, serving as a Vestry member and vice-chair for Grace Episcopal Church. 她积极参与她的教会,担任教区委员会委员与格雷斯美国新教圣公会副主席。
She is active in political activities. 她热衷于政治。

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