So far in January, merger and acquisition activity has remained strong.
到1月份为止,并购活动仍然保持强劲的势头。 |
So far it is hard to detect a slowdown.
到目前为止,你很难从这个领域中察觉到衰退的迹象。 |
So far it seems that the Democrats, since taking over Congress, have handled the politics of the war pretty competently, catching the sympathy of many voters and managing to put pressure on Mr Bush.
自从民主派在国会占据主动后,迄今为止民主党对战争政策的处理似乎总是恰如其分,他们获得了许多选民的同情,并设法向布什总统施加压力。 |
So far most American and other foreign attempts have bogged down in the Greek government's red tape and shrewdness about small points.
到目前为止由于希腊政府那种繁琐而又拖拉的公务程序和对小事的精明,大多数美国和其他国家的尝试的工作都陷入困境。 |
So far most bird flu cases in people have been caused through contact with infected , but scientist are concerned the virus could mutate into a far more easily spread between humans causing .
迄今为止,大部分感染禽流感的都是由于与受感染家禽接触,但专家担心病毒会变异成一种更易于在人类之间传播的形态,从而引发全国性疫情。 |
So far most bird flu cases in people have been caused through contact with infected poultry, but scientists are concerned the virus could mutate into a form more easily spread between humans, causing a pandemic.
目前为止大部分人感染禽流感病例都是由于与家禽接触,但是专家担心病毒会变异,从而更容易在人与人之间进行传播,引发疫情。 |
So far no less than 100 people have died of the plague.
到目前为止,已有一百个人死于瘟疫。 |
So far no man has traveled farther than the moon.
到现在为止,没有人到过比月球更远的地方。 |
So far no substitutive material has been found to match its properties.
其优越性在同类产品中有不可替代的作用。 |
So far only four bugs have been offered for sale, and the prices offered for them have been modest, perhaps because buyers are waiting to see how the system will work.
可能是由于买方仍在观察系统的运作方式,迄今为止,仅有四个漏洞提交供交易,而且针对其的出价还不是很高。 |
So far only the smallest and best-run countries, Estonia and Slovenia, have learned what to do.
到现在为止,只有面积最小、国家运行最好的爱沙尼亚和斯洛文尼亚两国已经学会了该做什么。 |