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As early as in August 1942, the Allies attempting to land small forces on the western coast of France, had organized “Dieppe Raid” to test the strength of German defenses.

As early as 1908, a Vienna art critic described it as the portrait of “an idol in a golden shrine. 早在1908年,一位维也纳评论家将其描绘为“金殿里的女神”。
As early as 1945, Carson and her close colleague Clarence Cottam had become alarmed by government abuse of new chemical pesticides such as DDT, in particular the “predator” and “pest” control programs, which were broadcasting poisons with little regard fo 早在1945年,卡森和他要好的同事克劳伦斯.寇唐就对于政府滥用新化学杀虫剂(如DDT)的行为感到忧心:政府的「掠食者与害虫管制计画」在没有考虑到其他种生物的安全下散布毒素。
As early as 1986, the government guaranteed free education to all school-age children through grade nine. 早在1986年,政府就已经向所有适龄入学儿童提供免费的九年义务教育保障。
As early as 600BC a Hindu surgeon reconstructed a nose by using a piece of cheek, and by AD 1000 rhinoplasty (nose surgery using skin from the forehead) was being performed. 而在西元一千年时,就已经有进行鼻整形术了(使用前额皮肤塑鼻的外科手术)。
As early as August, 1912, Jung had intimated in a letter to Freud that he had an intuition that the essentially feminine-toned archaic wisdom of the Gnostics, symbolically called Sophia, was destined to re-enter modern Western culture by way of depth-psyc 早在1912年8月,容格在一封给弗洛伊德的信内已经表示他已经拥有一种直觉,本质上是诺斯替派女性本质似的智慧,象征性地称为索菲娅,注定要通过死亡心理学的方式重新进入西方文化里面。
As early as in August 1942, the Allies attempting to land small forces on the western coast of France, had organized “Dieppe Raid” to test the strength of German defenses. 早在1942年8月,盟军企图以小股部队登陆法国西海岸,组织了“迪耶普突袭”行动,来侦察德国的防御实力。
As early as in the Tang and Song dynasties, Shanghai functioned as a foreign trade port in East China and had mercantile ties with Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia. 早在唐宋时期上海便是中国东部的一座外贸商镇,与日本、朝鲜和东南亚各国之间有着商贸关系。
As early as in the colonial period ,men seeking greater freedom the could be found in the original tidewater settlements had begun to push inland. 早在殖民地时期,当人们在海岸附近的殖民地里找不到更多的自由,他们便开始向内地推进。
As early as next year it may well be possible. 大家都知道,向日葵和手机,一个是植物,一个是机器,二者是截然不同的。
As early as the Iraq invasion there were those in the U.S. administration who were also ③gunning for Iran. 早在入侵伊拉克的时候,在美国政府当中就有一些人同样在寻找教训伊朗的机会。
As early as1857, people tried to lay an undersea cable across the Atlantic Ocean, but they met with a lot of difficulites. 早在1857年,人们就设法埋设穿过大西洋的海底电缆,但是他们遇到了很多困难。

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