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He lay huddled up in bed, his knees almost touching his chin.

He lay down like a coward. 他驯服得像一个懦夫。
He lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep. 她躺在沙发上很快就睡著了。
He lay down to sleep, covering his face with a cloth. 他躺下,将一块手帕遮在脸上睡了。
He lay for some time,without movement,on his side. 他侧着身子静静地躺了一会儿。
He lay helpless in the street under the pitying gaze of the bystanders. 他零零地躺在路边,旁观的人都投以怜悯的目光。
He lay huddled up in bed, his knees almost touching his chin. 他躺在床上缩成一团,膝盖几乎碰到了下颚。
He lay in a sprawl over the desk . 他手脚摊开趴在书桌上。
He lay in a sprawl over the desk. 他手脚摊开趴在书桌上。
He lay in agony until the doctor arrived. 他痛苦煎熬地躺著直到医生到来。
He lay in bed thinking of how to get her love. 他躺在床上思考如何才能得到她的爱。
He lay in his bunk under a mound of blankets. 他躺在铺上,身上盖了一大堆毯子。

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