Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce.
让我们联合起来去探索星球,治理沙漠,消除疾病,开发海洋深处,并鼓励艺术和商务。 |
Together let's practice abstinence and vegetarian diet for the month of May to inspire more loving kindness in our society.
期待大家以斋戒、不杀生的具体行动,表达一分虔诚的力量,持续爱洒人间,带动社会爱的共鸣。 |
Together the Old Gentleman and Pete walked south to the same restaurant where each year Pete had his Thanksgiving dinner.
老绅士和皮特一起向南走到每年皮特吃感恩节饭的同一家饭馆。 |
Together the new fossils and dating results clinched the case for Dmanisi being the oldest unequivocal hominid site outside of Africa, pushing the colonization of Eurasia back hundreds of thousands of years.
新发现的化石与地磁定年的结果合并起来,确立了德玛尼斯是人类在非洲以外最早的居住地,将人类殖民欧亚大陆的年代,向前推进了几十万年。 |
Together the two take in 95% of television advertising revenue.
这两家电视传媒公司霸占着全国95%的电视广告收入。 |
Together these advances have produced a highly detailed and revolutionary picture: feathers originated and diversified in carnivorous, bipedal theropod dinosaurs before the origin of birds or the origin of flight.
综合这些证据,便能描绘出十分详尽的革命性图像:羽毛的起源与分化都发生于肉食性、两足步行的兽足类恐龙身上,比鸟类的起源、甚至飞行的起源都还要早。 |
Together these crystals constitute a miniature compass.
这些晶体连在一起,就构成了一个微型罗盘。 |
Together these sensory organs are supplied by more than 100,000 nerve fibers that carry information to the central nervous system and eventually to the highest mammalian processing center, the neocortex.
共有10万条以上的神经纤维支援这些感觉器,把讯息传到中枢神经系统,最终抵达哺乳动物的最高层处理中心,即新大脑皮质。 |
Together they are the First Time or the Golden Age [Alchemy] where the gods moved through the Void and created our reality.
合到一起它们就是第一时间或黄金时代[炼金术],在那里众神通过空无移动而创造我们的实相。 |
Together they come , and when one sits alone with you at your board , remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.
它们一同来到,当其中有一个和你同桌而坐时,切记,另一个正在你的床榻上安歇。 |
Together they dined in out of the way restaurants, and together they rode about the countryside in a carriage.
他们一起到偏僻的饭馆里去吃饭,一起坐车出去郊游。 |