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Brevity is very good when we are, or are not understood.

Brett:That's what I thought at first, too. 布瑞格:一开始我也这样想。
Brett:They're amazing! The Blue Lagoon is a mineral-rich seawater lake heated by lava. It's near a power plant outside Reykjavik, and it's absolutely spectacular. 布雷特:棒极了!蓝泻湖是一个由火山熔岩形成的咸水湖,富含矿物质。就在雷克雅未克近郊的一个发电厂附近,真是太壮观了。
Brevin Knight, Earl Watson, Chucky Atkins, Carlos Arroyo, Mike James, Somebody. 我们需要搞个象奈特,沃特森,阿特金斯,阿罗约,詹姆斯那样的控卫来。
Brevity is the soul of wit. 简洁是机智的精髓。
Brevity is the soul of wit. 简洁是智慧的精华。
Brevity is very good when we are, or are not understood. 简洁是非常好的,当你了解或不了解的时候.
Brewed for Catherine the Great, this English stout was originally cask-conditioned to endure the long Baltic voyage to St. Petersburg. 这款英国黑啤酒为凯瑟琳大帝酿造,在从波罗的海到圣彼得堡海运时还要用木桶存放。
Brewed from roasted unmalted barley, this beer has a bitter-hoppy taste, is full-bodied and extremely dark colored. 哪种啤酒采用烘烤的不发芽大麦酿造,有啤酒花的苦味,酒体厚重且色泽很深?
Brewed in from roasted, unmalted barley, this beer has a bitter-hoppy taste, is full-bodied and extremely dark colored. 采用烘烤过的不出芽大麦酿造,有浓郁的蛇麻草苦味,酒体丰满,色泽极重,它叫什么名字?
Breweries also design special beer labels for festivals such as May Day, Christmas Day, etc. that bring the vivid scene to you; Canadian beer trademarks are as beautiful as pictures, viewing them, you can appreciate beautiful lakes and mountains; Danish b 啤酒厂还经常为每年一度的各类节日特制啤酒,如五月节、圣诞节等,给人一种身临其境的感觉;加拿大的啤标美丽如画,我们可以从中领略到很美的湖光山色;丹麦的啤标十分考究,设计体裁新颖别致,特别以套标著称;英国的啤标以庄重著称,多喜欢黑色,以表达他们高贵的绅士形象;澳大利亚啤标与动物很有缘,这缘于他们国家对动物保护的结果;其他诸如荷兰的风车、坦桑尼亚的狮子、加拿大的枫叶等,使我们在欣赏中不仅可以了解各地民俗风情,而且还可以提高我们的欣赏水平。
Brewster would have continued, but placed his faith in his coach's decision. 布鲁威斯特本想要继续,但他还是采纳了教练的决定。

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