The election results will undergo close scrutiny.
选举的结果将进行严密的验票。 |
The election was a three-cornered fight between Conservatives, Labour and SLD.
这次选举是保守党、 工党以及社会民主党三方的较量. |
The election was a three-cornered fight between Conservatives, Labour and SLD.
这次选举是保守党、工党以及社会民主党三方的较量. |
The election was good news, too, for Mr Harper in Ottawa.
这一选举结果,对于远在渥太华的哈珀来说也是一个好消息。 |
The election was on Monday.
选举是在星期一进行的. |
The elective dance class is currently under-enrolled. Any students interested in this class should enroll as soon as possible; otherwise we will not be able to hold the class.
舞蹈选修课目前选修人数不足﹐请有兴趣之学生尽快选修﹐否则将面临无法开班之情况。 |
The electoral system in this country should be changed.
这个国家的选举制度应进行改革。 |
The electoral system was changed and the 2002 poll was quieter, but instability has returned.
选举制度得到了好转-2002年的投选活动不再呼声四起,但政局的不稳依旧存在。 |
The electorate in France, Eurocrats complain, seems to be ignoring the topic in hand—and anyway, what have job losses to do with the Union's defining document?
欧盟官员抱怨说,法国选区好像忽略了正在讨论的问题—而且无论如何,失业与欧盟定义文件有什么关系? |
The electorate is growing tired of his posturings.
选民对他的口是心非逐渐生厌. |
The electorate put the Tories in with an increased majority in 1983.
1983年选民选举保守党执政, 其票数超过了上届的多数票. |