Instructions: The product adopts Alec macromolecule material and latest high-tech pigment from abroad. When polished by the high speed polisher, it is waterproof and has good Iuster and excellent softness.
产品说明:本产品采用国际流行工艺之亚克力高弹性高分子材料及国外最新之助剂特殊配制,该蜡打后有良好的光泽度,及有防水性,流平性。在高速抛光机的作用下更加突出光亮度优异。 |
Instructions: The product adopts the Alec macromolecule material and the latest imported high-tech pigment, with special formula, and advanced techniques, it has good Iuster, high speed polishing reactant and excellent softness.
产品说明:本产品采用国际流行之亚克力高分子材料及国外最新之助剂,以独特配方,先进生产工艺精心配制而成,具有良好的光泽度,高速抛光向应性及优异的流平性。 |
Instructions: The product can deoxidize the coppers. It contains certain friction producing substance and can remove the rust completely without damage the copper.
产品说明:该产品能将铜的氧化物还原,并带有一定的摩擦剂可以彻底去除铜锈,并且不伤铜材本身。 |
Instructions: The product contains strong decontamination. It's especially used with the carpet-extractors, and can remove the dirt quickly.
产品说明:本品含强力去污溶液,专业用于抽洗式地毯机配套使用,可快速去除地毯污迹。 |
Instructions: The product is made of high-quality material and contains strong decontamination. It can easily remove the tea stain, rust, dirt, grease and any other watermarks.
产品说明:本品用优质原料制成,含强力去污溶液,可方便的去除茶水渍,铁锈,污垢,油脂及任何有水锈水垢场合。 |
Instructions: neutral cleaner. It can remove the dirt on the surface of the aluminum efficiently without damaging it.
产品说明:中性清洁剂,能有效的清除铝塑板表面的污垢,但又不会损伤铝塑板。 |
Instructions: neutral cleaner. It contains special formula and can dissolve and decompose the dirt quickly, thus to achieve the best cleaning result without damage the surfaces.
产品说明:该产品为中性外墙面清洁药剂,特殊的配方可以是使被清洗物的污垢迅速溶解和分离。从而达到良好的清洗效果并不破坏被清洗物表面。 |
Instructions:This product combined with calcium,protein,fat and other nutritional essences in balance,is a kind of ideal food for breakfast and travelling food.
本品强化了钙物质、蛋白质、脂肪等营养,搭配合理,易消化吸收。是方便实惠的早餐和旅游食品。 |
Instructor Momoe Yamamoto and her four-year-old pug Moq take the class through their paces.
瑜伽教练和她4岁的爱犬进行同步练习。 |
Instructors are professors from: Beijing University Department of Religious Philosophy, Yunnan Nationality Institute, Yunnan Christianity Theological Seminary.
分别由北京大学哲学宗教系,云南民族学院,云南基督教神学院的教授主讲. |
Instructors can record synchronous sessions so that students can review them asynchronously at a later time.
教师可以记录同步内容,学生则可以在稍后时间异步学习。 |