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A disagreement or quarrel.

A directory is a specialized database optimized for reading, browsing and searching. 一个目录服务是一个特殊的数据库,它为读,浏览和搜索进行了优化。
A disadvantage of the turbine is that it is not reversible. 涡轮机的一个缺点就是它不可以反转。
A disadvantage of this narrow basis is of course that bad characteristics, like hereditary properties can be embedded in the breed. 这样有限的血统来源当然会产生一些缺陷,比如说不好的遗传性特征。
A disagreeable person, event, or situation. 令人不愉快者令人不愉快的人、事或经历
A disagreement or controversy. 意见分歧不一致或有争议
A disagreement or quarrel. 争执不一致或争吵
A disaster recover system replica management scheme based on cluster servers is introduced in this paper, in which a consistency maintenance algorithm of multiple replicas and a replica selection algorithm are put forward and a mathematical model of quant 摘要提出一种基于集群服务器的容灾系统副本管理方案,提出多个副本的一致性维护和副本选择的算法以及副本数量和分布方式的数学模型。
A disastrous report card. 极糟的成绩报告单
A discharge from a number of firearms, fired simultaneously or in rapid succession. 一齐射击,快速连续射击大批火器同时连续急速地发射
A discharge line should be piped from the air gap at the relief valve connection making sure that there is adequate drainage. 应该在安全阀连接处的气隙(或称气隙)接出排泄管,确保有充分的排泄。
A discharge of liquid waste, as from a factory or nuclear plant. 废物废水的排出,尤指从工厂或核电站排出的

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