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He was the first important jazz soloist to emerge and is still loved by fans, who fondly refer to him by his nickname Satchmo.

He was the eternal optimist-the glass was always half full, not half empty. 他是永远的乐观者—玻璃杯的水永远是半杯满,而不是少半杯。
He was the first American president to visit the country so they rolled out the red carpet for him . 他是第一位来访的美国总统,所以受到了热烈欢迎。
He was the first European head of state to visit their country, and they rolled the red carpet for him. 他是第一个访问该国的欧洲首脑,他们用隆重的礼仪来欢迎他。
He was the first airpilot to cross the Atlantic. 他是飞越大西洋的第一个飞行员。
He was the first black to be elected as Mayor. 他是第一位被选为市长的黑人。
He was the first important jazz soloist to emerge and is still loved by fans, who fondly refer to him by his nickname Satchmo. 他是迄今涌现出的第一位重要爵士乐独奏家,现在仍然受到乐迷的推崇,他们亲切的称他为“书包嘴”。
He was the first jazz clarinetist to play with symphony orchestras. 他是第一个和交响乐团合作的爵士单簧管演奏家。
He was the first king of Rome. “罗马”就是从他的名字演变来的。
He was the first man that came. 他是最先来的人。
He was the first man to navigate the Atlantic alone. 他是第一位单独横渡大西洋的人。
He was the first non-Italian to achieve such a feat in his first Serie A season. 他是第一个非意大利籍却在顶级联赛初次秀中获得如此巨大成功的球员。

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