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He desired for conquest in no bonus. But that what's he desired, it ultimately consumes him.

He designed scenery for court festivities and operas in Barcelona and Vienna, and was architect of the royal theater at Mantua. 他在巴塞隆那和维也纳设计了宫廷节日及歌剧布景,也是曼图亚皇家剧院的设计师。
He designed to enter for the competition. 他打算报名参加竞赛。
He designed us a beautiful house. 他为我们设计了一所很美的房子。
He designs for a famous fashion house. 他在一间著名的时装商店当设计师。
He designs for our dress department. 他在我们的服装部当设计师。
He desired for conquest in no bonus. But that what's he desired, it ultimately consumes him. 他所渴望的是无所回报的征服(就是他除了征服什么都不要),但正是他渴望得到的,(在将来)却一直折磨(原文为消耗)着他。
He desired us to leave soon. 他希望我们尽快离开。
He desires to be successful. 他渴望成功。
He desires to see you. 他渴望见你。
He despairs of winning a scholarship. 他已不抱赢得奖学金的希望了。
He desperately wanted to be free and eventually Harry Potter managed to trick Lucius Malfoy into giving Dobby an old sock. 它拼命地想获得自由,最终哈利.波特设计使卢修斯.马尔福给了多比一只旧袜子。

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