One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.
当一个人揣测永恒,生命,现实的惊奇构造等等的神奇时,他会情不自禁的感叹。 |
One cannot inure oneself altogether to such malicious criticism.
谁也不能总是忍受这种恶意批评. |
One cannot know what a man really is by the end of a fortnight.
两礼拜结束,那能让人真正知道一个人呢。 |
One cannot make bricks without straw.
巧妇难为无米之炊。 |
One cannot put back the clock.
光阴一去不复返。 |
One cannot serve God and Mammon.
不能既拜上帝又拜财神。 |
One car after another is speeding by on the freeway.
在高速公路上车子穿梭般地一辆接一辆飞逝而过。 |
One careless, ill-prepared speech could precipitate a crisis.
一旦出言不慎,信口开河,就有可能引发一场危机。 |
One case presented with a dome-shaped pinkish nodule with fine scales on the gluteal area, and the other with brownish nodule measured 1cm in diameter on the back.
一例位于右臀有一粉红色并细屑之结节,另一例位于背上有一棕色结节。 |
One case showed inferior junction stricture by esophagogram, and one presented pharyngocutaneous fistula.
所有皮瓣在初期均存活,但有一例皮瓣在术后7个月坏死。 |
One case was treated with antihistamine and low dose steroid and the other was treated with supportive treatment.
一位病人以抗组织胺药物及低剂量类固醇治疗,另一位则以症状治疗。 |