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we could play with 2 players at front, instead of one, and the middfields, should play more opened and not so crowed in the middle.

to wit, the objectivations of subjective processes (and meanings) by which the intersubjective commonsense world is constructed. 「这就是:…机巧地了解主体进程(和意义)的客体化,藉此得以建构互为主体的常识世界。」
tonight we are going over to the Knoll and talk. “今晚,我们去那边小丘陵地带谈谈。”
traffic lights and rules without police man and court enforcing them do not mean anything? 如果没有警察和法庭(此类的国家机器)的执法,那么红绿灯和各项法规就没有什么实质意义了.
value water,economize wateris the tradition virtue which we advocated. “珍惜水源,节约用水”是我们提倡的传统美德.
we can now hypothesize with some confidence that those apparently happy, calm buddhist souls one regularly comes across in places such as dharamsala, india, really are happy,professor owen flanagan, of duke university in north carolina, said wednesday. 利用新的扫描技术,神经科学家已经发现佛教徒的大脑某区域持续地点燃,大脑显示积极(正面)情感和好的心情。
we could play with 2 players at front, instead of one, and the middfields, should play more opened and not so crowed in the middle. 如果下场对手还是比较弱的话,可以尝试,不过如果对手比较强,还是用5个中场好一些.所以我建议开场时使用5人中场,比赛进行15分钟后再决定是否加一个前锋.
we estimate that she lost maybe 1,000 pounds (454 kg),lampi said. “我们估计它的体重可能减了1000磅(454公斤),”兰皮说。
we will investigate,say the FBI agent. FBI官员说:“我们会调查的。”
we're typically used to thinking of andromeda as this tiny speck of light, but the actual size of the halo...extends to a very large radius and it actually fills a substantial portion of the night sky,said study team member jason kalirai of the university 虽然被发现的位置在仙女座最可见范围--即:旋转星盘---之外远的多的地方,但它们却仍受到该星系的引力束缚,成为被扩展后仙女星座的“光环”的一部分。
well, a reason it's taking so long is because it appears to be quite a small unclear test , perhaps less than a kiloton, which sounds like a lot , acutally it was samll as unclear devices go. 在花费如此长的时间的原因是因为北韩这次核爆的规模很小,可能不到一千公吨,这听起来很多,但实事上不够核装置发生作用.
well,good news for you,our computers are down,you can go back home until Monday. 唉!(老板一脸无可奈何的样子)告诉你个好消息,我们的电脑瘫痪了,你可以回家休息了,到星期一再回来上班.

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