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But the radicals among the Sunni insurgents seem able to impose their agenda on the rest.

But the public did not take to the streets by the hundreds of thousands to demand Mrs. Arroyo step down, as they had done with two of her predecessors. 不过这一次,菲律宾民众并没有像对待前两任总统那样大规模上街游行,要求阿罗约总统下台。
But the quality of a man's dreams can only be a reflection of his subconscious. 但是人的梦想的本质只是人的潜意识的反映。
But the quantification of nitrous-oxide emissions is still not well understood, says Dr Williams, so it is not clear which model to use. 但是,威廉姆博士说,一氧化二氮气体的具体排放量目前还没有人们完全了解,因此也无法决定该具体使用哪一种模拟方式。
But the question isn\'t whether Fahrenheit 9/11is a fair and balanced look at its subject matter. Of course it isn\'t. Rather, is it good filmmaking? 但是问题不在于《华氏9。11》是否对其主题事件进行了公正地、不偏不倚地阐述。它显然没有,那它还是一部好电影吗?
But the quiet and beautiful semi arch in seaside, the gleaming zeolite in the seawater bring limitless imagination to human being: the Dapeng bay, red sea gulf, gulf of Mexico…were the red flame blazing and lava splashing in past days? 但那些在大海边上的静静的美丽的半圆弧,海水里若隐若现的沸石却留给人们无尽的想象:大鹏湾、红海湾…墨西哥湾……这里难道也曾经是烈焰长啸、熔岩飞舞的地方?
But the radicals among the Sunni insurgents seem able to impose their agenda on the rest. 但是逊尼暴乱分子看起来更像是将他们意愿强加给持不同意见的人。
But the radioactive material is sealed in small beads as a safety measure before it is sold. 但是这些放射性物质在被出售之前,为了保证安全是要封存在一些密闭的小珠子里面的。
But the rate of apoptosis in certain cells—notably, the B and T lymphocytes of the immune system—is excessive in those who have lupus. 但在狼疮患者体内,某些细胞(像是免疫系统中的B细胞和T细胞)凋亡的速度太快。
But the rate of passage of such legislation accelerated in the postwar period. 但到了战后通过此类立法的速度加快了。
But the rather unnerving reality is that general anesthesia transports us perilously close to death. 但是现实管保教人丧失信心,因为全身麻醉会将我们置于濒临死亡的境地,险象环生。
But the real EMMA BUNTON has a secret dark side — she's just clever at keeping it out of the public eye. 但是真实的艾玛.邦顿有个秘密——她只是聪明的避开了公众的视线。

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