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He was pity the children there until he could not resist to cry out.

He was pinched with cold and hunger. 他饥寒交迫。
He was pinned down by his attackers. 袭击他的人把他按住了。
He was piqued by her indifference. 他被她的冷漠激怒。
He was piqued by her refusal. 他被她的拒绝激怒。
He was piqued to discover that he hadn't been invited. 他因未被邀请而觉得愤怒。
He was pity the children there until he could not resist to cry out. 他在那里怜悯孩子们直到他不能抵抗大声哭泣出来。
He was plagued by a very discommodious accident. 他为一件极其麻烦的意外事件所困。
He was plainly unwelcome. 他显然不受欢迎.
He was played out after the ninety-minute football game. 踢了90分钟的足球赛后,他已筋疲力尽。
He was playing Go, an ancient Asian game. 纳什正在下围棋,围棋是一个源自亚洲的古老游戏。
He was playing as hard as he could, begging the team to keep trying - and no one had the heart to disappoint him. 他竭尽全力在比赛,恳求全队继续努力——没人忍心让他失望。

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