While their research did not point to any one specific element in red meat that led to the increased cancer risk, the scientists posited that it was a combination of factors, including the higher levels of iron consumed by inveterate red-meat eaters, carc
但是他们的研究没有指出具体是红肉中哪种成分造成癌症风险的增加,他们认为有多种因素,包括红肉成瘾者过多的铁的摄入、烹调或处理过的红肉中发现的致癌物质以及在饲养牲畜时使用激素的不断增加。 |
While there Harry happened to see a newspaper clipping reporting that a vault at Gringotts had been broken into (PS8).
而在那里,哈利碰巧看到一份剪报,报导古灵阁的一个金库被闯入(PS8)。 |
While there are always people in the world who lay claim to certain secrets of success,Amway achievers don't have any such secrets.
尽管世上总有人声称成功要靠“秘笈”,安利成功人士都没有秘笈。 |
While there are certainly other criteria, these are certainly important, if the clarinet is to be called professional.
当然还有其它需要考虑的因素,如果一支单簧管具备职业水准,这些要求也必须达到。 |
While there are many different interpretations of out body language, some gestures seem to be universal.
微笑能敲开大门,拆除围墙(这里指化解矛盾),几乎可以用来表达任何感情。 |
While there are no rigid divisions between private and public law, or within the system of private law, there are several distinctive bodies of doctrine representing the major threads in the private law system.
虽然公法与私法没有明确的区分,然而在私法体系中,仍有几条明确的原理阐述私法体系的主线。 |
While there are similarities between traditional and decorative line-drawing, there are also differences between the two.
传统线描和装饰线描两者既有很大的相似之处,也有本质的区别。 |
While there are some problems with grammar or usage, they are not serious enough to distort meaning.
虽然文法或用字上有一些问题,它们不致严重到扭曲意思。 |
While there are strong propaganda for the rationalization of desire, it gives people false messages on desire-satisfaction.
在教育上,应发挥补偏救弊的功能,对弱势者施予更多的援手。 |
While there has been a large expansion of domestic capacity recently in China, we still believe that the Chinese newsprint market will remain balanced in terms of supply versus demand.
尽管近来中国国内新闻纸的生产能力大幅增长,但我们仍相信中国新闻纸市场会保持供求平衡。 |
While there is a general perception even among physicians that death rates have dropped over the years, that's not the case, says John Birkmeyer, professor of surgery at the University of Michigan Medical Center and a longtime analyst of surgery trends.
密歇根大学医学中心外科教授、长期从事外科学发展动向分析的约翰·伯克迈耶说:“人们普遍认为过去的几年死亡率已经下降,但事实并非如此。” |