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Both sides want the Argentine international with the Old Lady of Italian football seemingly in pole position.

Both sides should act according to the provisions of the agreement. 双方都应按协议条款办事。
Both sides should thus take the opportunity of negotiating a new cooperation agreement to define the meaning of the so called strategic partnership. 双方应抓住谈判签署新的合作协定的机会,将战略伙伴关系定义为“贸易战略伙伴+全球负责任伙伴”。
Both sides speak highly of the positive achievements of the ASEM in promoting equal partnership between Asia and Europe, and express their readiness to further strengthen co-operation in the ASEM. 双方高度评价亚欧会议在促进亚欧平等伙伴关系方面取得的积极成就,表示愿进一步加强在亚欧会议上的合作。
Both sides still refuse to come to the negotiating table. 双方仍拒绝谈判.
Both sides suffered heavy casualties in the border armed conflict. 在这次边界武装冲突中双方都遭到了重大伤亡。
Both sides want the Argentine international with the Old Lady of Italian football seemingly in pole position. 这俩只球队都想得到这名阿根廷国脚,尽管表明上看起来来自意大利的尤文图斯在竞争中占据有利位置。
Both sides were also reduced to 10 men in the second half when the Reds young Swede Astrit Ajdarevic was shown a straight red for an over the top challenge, while Newcastle's Kazenga Lua Lua was also red carded for foul and abusive language towards the re 两队在下半场都减为10个人,因为红军年轻的瑞典人斯特里特·阿达莱维奇由于过分的挑衅被直接出示红牌罚下,而卡岑加·卢阿·卢阿因为犯规和辱骂裁判同样被红牌罚下。
Both sides will have to give on some issues. 在一些问题上双方都作了让步
Both sides' medical teams were quickly in attendance and Terry was tended to for some time before being taken away on a stretcher. 两个队的医生都很快来到,特里在被用担架抬走之前被做了一段时间的处理。
Both similarity and variety are found in the comparison of Jiao festivals in villages of Guangdong and Hong Kong. 摘要广东与香港乡村太平醮的比较的结果反映出民间仪式既有多变性也有同一性。
Both sister sciences recognize that if the body is neglected it can easily be an obstacle (through disease, sickness and mental disturbances) to self realization. 这两门姐妹科学均认为如果忽略身体健康,这很可能成为自我觉悟的障碍(疾病和精神上的骚扰)。

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