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Writing, Essay &Poster contest enrollment starting next week, will be held on 10/11.

Writing software for those who require the editing ability of a commercial text editor as well as a document tracking system. 用于满足对商业文字处理工具的编辑功能和文档追踪系统的需求。
Writing test cases, running them,and analyzing the results is a tedious job. 写出测试用例,运行测试用例,分析测试结果都是很枯燥的工作。
Writing the book has taken up all his spare time, hasn't it? 写这本书占去了他所有的业余时间,是吗?
Writing to the firmware is not implemented, and will not be implemented. 写固件的功能还没有实现,将来也不会实现。
Writing, Essay &Poster contest enrollment ends today. Contests will be held on 10/9. 书法、海报及作文比赛今日报名截止,10/9比赛。
Writing, Essay &Poster contest enrollment starting next week, will be held on 10/11. 校内书法、作文及海报比赛下周起开始报名,10/11比赛。
Writing, for Lawrence, depended on inspiration. Inspired, he worked in a white heat of creative energy, uninspired, he worked not at all. 在写作上,劳伦斯依靠灵感。灵感来时,他极度兴奋地写作,创造力源源涌至;缺乏灵感时,他干脆搁笔。
Writing, for Malaysian female Chinese writers, is no longer only the way to give vent to their personal feelings and to self-talk and self-distinguish, but also the way to self-confirm their special feminist consciousness and to express their own spiritua 写作对于马华女作家,不再只是宣泄个人情感或自我的言说和分辨,而是女作家独特女性意识的确认和自身精神价值的表达方式。
Writing: The Chief Accountant made a few suggestions to the General Manager on reducing the cost of Electricity. Please write a memo report accordingly. 写作:总会计师向总经理提出为降低用电而建议采取的措施。按此内容写一份备忘录式的商务报告。
Writings from the 17th century record that boats were often surrounded by huge schools of cod, salmon, striped bass and sturgeon. 根据17世纪的文史资料记载,船只周遭总是围绕著大群的鳕鱼、鮭鱼、条纹鲈鱼与鲟鱼。
Writings from the time of Nebuchadnezzar described the king's palace and the city of Babylon. 从尼布甲尼撒时就有文字记载描写国王的宫殿和巴比伦城。

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