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Read a biography of some famous people and have a discussion on his growth and achievement.

Read Chapters 1 and 2 of Create or Perish. 阅读《创造或是消灭》的第一二章。
Read Data Sheet and MSDS Carefully Before Use Our Products. 使用本公司产品前请仔细阅读产品说明与MSDS。
Read Georgi Chap. 4 and Chap. 5 to complement our Chiral Perturbation theory discussion this week. 10阅读Georgi的第四、五章,补充本周手征微扰理论的讨论。
Read Matthew chapter 4 to see how Jesus obeyed these commands. 请阅读马太福音第四章,看看耶稣是如何顺从这些诫命的。
Read Part 2 once more, fill in the form below and try to express the differences between American football and soccer. 读第二部分,填写下面表格,说出橄榄球和足球的区别。
Read a biography of some famous people and have a discussion on his growth and achievement. 大意是:找个名人传记,谈谈他的成长和成就。
Read a book a week. It will stimulate and broaden your views. 每周阅读一书。它拓展了你的视野。
Read a book a week.It will stimulate and broaden your views. 每周读一本书。这会启迪思想,开阔眼界。
Read a column article from Financial Times Chinese website about jobs. 读了金融时报中文网站上的一篇专栏文章-工作的附加值。
Read a newspaper or magazine, switch on the television, open you mail or simply answer your telephone, and you are bombarded by advertising. 当你读报刊杂志之时,或打开电视机、开启邮件或接电话时,广告也向你扑来。
Read a number of samples from the queue, blocking if necessary. 从队列中读取一定数目的样本,以等候态直至读取完毕。

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