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The High Speed Computing Center in ISS/NCU also have a full size ploter, and many servers, such as domain name server, web server, mail server, and file server.

The High Contracting Parties undertake, in time of peace as in time of war, to disseminate the text of the present Convention as widely as possible in their respective countries, and, in particular, to include the study thereof in their programmed of mili 各缔约国在平时及战时应在各该国尽量广泛传播本公约之约文,尤应在军事教育计画,并如可能时在公民教育计画中,包括本公约之学习,俾本公约之原则为全体居民所周知。
The High Court has issued a writ forbidding her to communicate with him. 高等法院发布禁止她与他的往来的书面通知。
The High Court ordered all ballot boxes sealed to preserve evidence, but did not order a recount. 最高法院下令查封所有票箱,以保留证据,但没有下令重点。
The High Island Reservoir can store a great deal of water. 万宜水库能蓄藏大量的水。
The High Priestess is inactive, passive, allowing things to take their own path. 高尚的女教士是不活跃的,被动的,允许事物掌控他们自己的道路。
The High Speed Computing Center in ISS/NCU also have a full size ploter, and many servers, such as domain name server, web server, mail server, and file server. 高速运算软硬体的使用者主要为太空所博士研究生、专任助理以及老师。
The High Stability: The special structure of this Three-Ply wood is interveined in length and breadth which makes its anisotropic physical performance, so the stability is over than others. 三层实木地板纵横交错的独特结构,改变了木材各向的物理性能,稳定性远远高于其它木地板。
The High water sensitivity reservioir is that the permeability declines exceed 70% when outside liquid enters formation. 摘要强水敏油藏指储层遇到外来流体后,渗透率的下降幅度超过70%的油藏。
The High-Tech Teleconference Room and Multi-Media international Conference Center enable you to operate smoothly and get hold of the best business opportunities. 高科技电传视讯与多媒体国际会议中心,让您运筹帷幄其中,充分掌握商机。
The High-tech Zone is an attractive place for foreign investment. 高新区是外资的聚集地。
The High-temperature-proof pressure gauge is mainly used in chemical、 petroleum industries for measuring pressure of high temperature media under high temperature environment. 耐温压力表具有氨用压力表的使用性能,主要用于化学、石油工业中高温介质或环境压力测量。

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