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This discovery gives the world a never before seen second self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci.

This disclosure by the department came in response to a request by the House Committee on Government Reform, which this summer asked 17 federal departments to detail any loss of computers holding sensitive personal information. 这问题曝光是因为商业部回应政府重组内部调查委员会的调查请求,今年夏天委员会已要求17个联邦部门上报含有个人敏感信息的电脑丢失详细信息.
This disco is a magnet for young people. 这家迪斯科舞厅经常吸引大批年轻的顾客.
This discomfort must cause a significant amount of distress or impairment in the functioning of the individual. 这种难受必然引起明显的个人的抑郁,或个人行为受到影响。
This discount card is not exchangeable for cash. 此折扣卡不能兑换现金.
This discovery established his reputation. 这个发现建立了他的声望.
This discovery gives the world a never before seen second self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci. 这个发现在世人面前展现了第二幅从未公开过的达·芬奇的自画像。
This discovery has enabled the water replenishment base of our naval ships to move southward to the middle of the South China Sea, which is of great strategic significance for safeguarding our maritime rights and interests, and developing maritime resourc 同时,这一成果将我军舰艇补水基地向南海中部大大推进,对于维护海洋权益、开发海洋资源具有极其重要的战略意义。
This discovery has enhanced his reputation. 这项发现已经提升他的名声。
This discovery has great significance for the tectonic-paleogeo-graphic study in this stratigraphic area. 这一发现对该地层分区构造古地理的研究具有重要意义。
This discovery lends credence to the controversial idea of forcefully injecting water or steam into faults at the base of an unstable flank to trigger the stress-relieving earthquakes needed to let it down slowly. 这项发现无疑为一个争议性的构想打了一剂强心针:在不稳固边坡底部的断层,强行注入水或蒸气,目的是引发地震、释放应力,以缓慢降低边坡坡度。
This discovery made him abolish the idea of phenomenology eventually. 这一发现最终导致了维氏对于现象学的放弃。

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