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Studies utilizing rats demonstrate that opioid receptors and endogenous opioid peptides appear ery early in the CNS deelopment (2).

Studies suggest that countries with more generous social welfare policies are less likely to support protectionism. 研究表明那些具有更慷慨的社会福利政策的国家更不可能支持贸易保护主义。
Studies suggest that it probably interacts directly with the viral polymerase, and we want to confirm that by mutagenesis and by enzymatic activity assays,said Tao. 有研究表明,核蛋白可能会和病毒的聚合酶直接发生相互作用,我们将通过人工诱变技术及酶活性测定等技术来核实这一说法。”
Studies supported their hypothesis that RB may be a critical determinant of whether a tumor will respond to anti-estrogen therapy. 研究支持了他们的假说:RB可以是肿瘤对抗雌激素治疗反应的判断指标。
Studies the impact of nozzle aperture, initial temperature and pressure of spray water and initial air state on humidifying effects based on an orthogonal test. 摘要通过正交试验确定了喷嘴孔径、喷水初温、喷水压力及空气初状态对加湿效果影响的显著程度。
Studies the indexes of body build of elite basketball big forwards and their basketball holding structures in positional attacks by literature review, videotape observation and statistics. 摘要采用文献资料、录像观察、数理统计等方法,对中外优秀男篮大前锋的身体形态指标进行统计分析,并研究其在阵地进攻中的持球动作结构特征。
Studies utilizing rats demonstrate that opioid receptors and endogenous opioid peptides appear ery early in the CNS deelopment (2). 通过大鼠的研究表明,阿片受体和内源性阿片肽在CNS形成过程中出现很早[2]。
Studies utilizing rats demonstrate that opioid receptors and endogenous opioid peptides appear very early in the CNS development (2). 通过大鼠的研究表明,阿片受体和内源性阿片肽在CNS形成过程中出现很早[2]。
Studies utilizing these tools to establish the function of glucagon in normal nutrient homeostasis and to document a relative glucagon excess in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and precursors thereof are then discussed. 文章随后对利用这些工具确定了胰高糖素在正常体液环境中的作用并证明胰高糖素在2型糖尿病(T2DM)病人体内处于相对过剩状态的研究及该方面的先驱者进行了讨论。
Studies were conducted on the anatomical structures of roots of cultivated and wild salvia miltiorrhiza. 摘要研究了栽培与野生丹参根的解剖结构。
Studies which establish (with confidence)that the process equipment and ancillary systems are capable of consistently operating within established limits and tolerances. 研究确立此工艺设备和辅助系统可以在已制定的界限及承受能力下持续稳定的操作。
Studies with eight ways of fruiting showed that different ways of fruiting all produced greeter effect on fruiting time, shape of fruiting body, colour and size of Pleurotus nebrodensis Soil sealing culture could result in delaying fruiting time and reduc 摘要对8种不同出菇方式白灵菇产量和质量的研究结果表明:不同的出菇方式对白灵菇的出菇时间、菇形、色泽、大小等均有较大的影响。

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