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Remember to send me a postcard when you get to America.

Remember to post the letters. 要记着/别忘记去邮信。
Remember to renew your insurance. 记得去帮你的保险办理续约。
Remember to save your game often so that you don't have to replay a bunch of it if you die! 记得经常储存你的游戏进度以免当你死去时而不得不重新开始游戏。
Remember to say something in return for the compliment you have accepted. 记得要说些什麽来回报你所接受的赞美。
Remember to say something in return for the compliments you have accepted. 记得要说些什麽来回报你所接受的赞美。
Remember to send me a postcard when you get to America. 当你抵达美国时,记得寄一张明信片给我。
Remember to smile when you wake up . 记得在醒来的时候微笑!
Remember to sound sincere, because an obvious flatterer or ass-kisser is a big turn off! 注意,要表现得很真诚,因为马屁精只会让人讨厌!
Remember to tell this interesting story the next time you eat with foreign friends and show off your knowledge. 下次与外国朋友吃饭时不要忘记把这个有趣的故事告诉他们,卖弄一下你的知识。
Remember to wear your helmet. 记得戴安全帽。
Remember today is a special time; make the best of it while you can. 记住今天是一个特殊的日子,尽你所能努力去创造吧!

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