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Methods:Eigty-two normal eyes and 56 eyes with epiphora were investigated with digital subtraction dacryocystography and the dacryocystogram were studied.

Methods: 67 strains of pathogenic bacteria of sperm positive culture were collected from 60 patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis and were tested against 12 antimicrobial agents. 方法:对60例患者的精液进行细菌培养,共培养出67株细菌,并应用12种抗生素进行药敏试验。
Methods: In this 26-week, multicentre, open-label, parallel-group trial, 320 subjects with Type 1 diabetes received either insulin detemir twice daily or insulin glargine once daily. each in combination with premeal insulin aspart. 方法:在一项26周、多中心、非盲、平行对照试验中,320例糖尿病患者使用每日2次地特胰岛素或每日1次甘精胰岛素治疗,每组联合餐前诺和锐。
Methods: Reanastomosis of the vas deferens by full thickness six-needle vas ligation suture without stents was carried out for 32 patients who had undergone bilateral vasligation. 方法:对32例双侧输精管结扎术后需要再通患者,采用不用支撑物全层6针缝合法进行吻合。
Methods: To treat teeth with fluoride treatments before or after etching. 方法:在酸蚀前后分别用氟化泡沫对牙釉质进行氟化处理。
Methods:218 cases of curettage due to postmenopausal uterus bleeding we rediagnosed by pathological examination. 方法:门诊和住院的绝经后子宫出血患者218例全部行诊断性刮宫和病理检查。
Methods:Eigty-two normal eyes and 56 eyes with epiphora were investigated with digital subtraction dacryocystography and the dacryocystogram were studied. 方法:利用数字减影泪道造影术对82只正常眼及56只溢泪眼进行检查,并对图像进行分析。
Methoxychlor consignment four major production companies, acetate cobalt, manganese acetate series of intermediate products. 公司主要生产四氯苯醌、醋酸钴、醋酸锰等中间体系列产品。
Methuselah lived one hundred and eighty-seven years, and became the father of Lamech. 创5:25玛土撒拉活到一百八十七岁、生了拉麦。
Methyl glycolate can be used as raw material for the synthesis of some important organic chemicals and good solvent. 摘要乙醇酸甲酯是重要的有机原料和优良的溶剂。
Meticulous Japanese planners have tried to control everything from the weather to left-wing radicals to make sure the last rites for the87-year-old monarch come off without a hitch. 无微不至负责筹划的日本人,已经试图掌握所有情况——从天气以至左翼极端分子——以确保87岁的天皇最后几个典礼圆满度过。
Meticulous examinations had been performed to look for the cause of the tetraplegia before electrodiagnosis confirmed critical illness polyneuropathy. 为了找寻四肢瘫痪的原因我们做了详尽的检查,神经电气生理学检查确诊为重症疾病并多发性神经病变。

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