When the father heard this, he said, “You have taken it the farthest and shall be king.
父亲听到这里,对小儿子说道:“看来你是最合适的人选,你应该继承王位。” |
When the feasibility study report for flood control works or other hydraulic works and hydropower stat ions stipulated in the preceding paragraph is submitted for approval pursuant to the procedures set by the state for capital construction, a consent doc
前款规定的防洪工程和其他水工程、水电站的可行性研究报告按照国家规定的基本建设程序报请批准时,应当附具有关水行政主管部门签署的符合防洪规划要求的规划同意书。 |
When the feeling is mutual, you will be cold-shouldered into a social oubliette where you are fed but denied conversation.
而如果别人也有这种感觉,你将受到冷淡,掉进一个“社交地牢”——有东西吃但没人理你。 |
When the ferryboat with her wild freight pushed into the stream, nobody cared sixpence for the wasted time but the captain of the craft.
当渡船载着兴高采烈的游客启锚时,除船老大外,没人有浪费时间的感觉。 |
When the field medical team informatized, wireless network, medical information management and the interface with the rear hospital should be emphasized on to make information share available.
野战医疗队宜无线组网,应强化医疗信息管理,并给后方医院提供接口,实现医疗信息共享。 |
When the fight broke out, Jack announced that the party was over and asked everyone to clear out.
争斗发生时,杰克宣布结束舞会并请大家离开。 |
When the fight is really on and the battle is undecided, you want your team to act co-operatively, quickly, rationally; you do not want a disgruntled employee bitching about life, you do not want a worker who avoids work, you do not want your key engineer
当你在无法作出决定的时候,你希望你的团队能迅速的,理性的并且毫无保留的来配合你;你不希望有一个对生活充满怨气的员工;你不希望有一个推脱责任的员工;你当然也不希望你队伍中关键的工程师每天因为晚上孩子闹床而疲惫的工作。 |
When the figurine hits the ground, the sound triggers the lights to go off for a fraction of a second.
当塑像撞到地面的声响触动使灯光关闭了几分之一秒。 |
When the fill factor is less than 1, the concentrated tensile stress appeares near edge of disk surface, while the fill factor reaches up to 1, the surface exhibites compressive stress, and the center is less tensile stress.
当抽运光斑未充满激光介质时,介质的表面靠近边缘处会出现大的拉应力集中,并且介质表面的最大轴向位移和最大拉应力随光斑填充因子增大而增大;而当抽运光充满介质时,表面是压应力,较小的拉应力存在于介质内部。 |
When the film is speeded up, it clearly shows that we walk straight past these areas on our way to the centre of an aisle.
当胶片快速播放,很清楚地显示出我们直截走过这个区域到通道的中间。 |
When the film reaches the end, the film rewinds to completion automatically and the exposure counter displays “E”.
当胶卷拍完时,胶片会自动倒片,这时曝光计数器显示“E”。 |