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If we want the returning cultivated into forest policy can be endured, present policy and management system must be improved and management system must be innovated.

If we use total sales as the yardstick , I'd have to say that Fred is the best salesman in the office. 如果以销售指标来衡量,弗莱德是办公室最棒的销售员。
If we use up too many resources, there will soon be nothing left. 如果我们过快用尽自然资源,地球上将会什么都没有。
If we wait till we get numbers, then we will be lost in the numbers, and we will never be able to show that love and respect for the person; every person is Christ for me, and since there is only one Jesus, that person is the one person in the world at th 如果我们等待直到我们凑足了数字,那我们就会在数字中迷失,并且我们将永远不能向那人献出那份爱和尊敬;每个人都是为我预备的基督,因为只有一个耶稣,所以那个人在那一刻就是在这世界上所指定的那个人。
If we want light, we must conquer darkness. 毅力在效果上有时能同天才相比。
If we want prevent seeing Free Software pushed into the hobbyist corner, easily condemning it to insignificance, we must think about how to preserve the legal security of Free Software. 如果我们想要避免看到自由软体被推入到「很容易就宣判它为不重要的」“业馀爱好者的偏僻角落”,我们就必须思考关于如何保存自由软体的法律维护。
If we want the returning cultivated into forest policy can be endured, present policy and management system must be improved and management system must be innovated. “后退耕时代”只有实现管理制度创新,才能保证退耕还林(草)成果“保得住、不反弹”。
If we want the world to embody our shared values, then we must assume a shared responsibility. 如果我们想把我们共有的价值观赋予这个世界,我们必须共同承担起这个责任。
If we want the world to embody our shared valuess then we must assume a shared responsibility. 如果我们想把我们共有的价值观赋予这个世界,我们必须共同承担起这个责任。
If we want to be there by 10am,we need to get a move on . 如果我们想要在上午10点赶到的话,就必须赶快了.
If we want to book a fight or pay a bill by phone, we will interact with a talking computer to do so. 假加我们希望利用电话订购机票或支付账单,我们将可以接通这种会说话的计算机交由它们去完成。
If we want to change the sequence of operation ,we will use the brackets; if we can't finish the dividing, we should keep the hundredth in the decimal, using the symbol approximate. 当改变算式中的运算顺序时,要用到小括号,如果遇到除不尽的时候,要保留两位小数,取近似值用“≈”表示.

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