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METHODS: Twenty-one patients received pegylated interferon-alpha plus either ribavirin or levovirin.

METHODS: Sixteen cases of complex maxillofacial fractures were treated with submandibular endotracheal intubation, self-made tube was used to assist tube guidance during operation. 方法:对16例颌面部复杂骨折患者实施下须下径路经口气管内插管麻醉,术中使用自行研制的引管装置辅助引管。
METHODS: Spiral CT (SCT) scanning technology, digital image transfer and transcription were used to obtain the initial 3-D data of the upper central incisor. 方法:采用螺旋CT扫描、数字影像传输与转录方法,获得中切牙三维形态的原始数据。
METHODS: Standard curve of endotoxin was established and the exudant from root canals 120 cases with acute periapical diseases was used to detect the contents of bacterial endotoxin by AOL method. 方法:取20个急性尖周病患牙根管渗出液,建立内毒素标准曲线,鲎试剂检测内毒素含量。
METHODS: The experiment was carried out from May to October in 2005. 背景资料:手的形态学测量在体质人类学的研究中十分重要。
METHODS: Twenty-four animals were randomized into control, lactated Ringer's solution and HES groups. 方法:24只动物随机分为对照组、乳酸林格液组和HES组。
METHODS: Twenty-one patients received pegylated interferon-alpha plus either ribavirin or levovirin. 方法:21例患者接受长效α干扰素加利巴韦林或左旋抗病毒素的治疗。
METHODS: Two hundred thirteen patients were randomized to clarithromycin 750 mg/day, rifabutin 450 mg/day, clofazimine 50 mg/day or placebo, in addition to a 16-week tapering course of prednisolone. 方法:除了一例患者由于皮质激素在16周时发现肠管逐渐变细外,230名患者随机分配为克拉霉素750毫克/天、利福平450毫克/天和氯法齐明50毫克/天组及安慰剂组。
METHODS: We conducted a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-treatment, placebo-controlled study in Japan. 方法:在日本进行一项多中心随机双盲对比治疗的安慰剂对照研究。
METHODS: We investigated the resources, growing environment, and goods characteristics in original places and market. 方法:在山参药材的原产地和各地市场考察药材来源、生长环境及商品的形态特征。
METHODS: We studied patients with GBS who were unable to walk independently.A derivation set included 388 patients from two randomised controlled trials and one pilot study. 方法:研究无法独立行走的GBS患者。起源集包括388例患者,来自两个随机对照试验和一个试点研究。
METRAwin 10/50 software sets measuring function parameters, transmits data and represents them in graphic (Yt and XY graphs) as well as in tabular form. 50台式万用表的分析和记录软件可设置测量功能参数,传输数据,可以图形和表格形式进行表述。

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