Over usage causes headache and uneasiness in stomach. It may irritate sensitive skin. Do not use on skin inflammation or eczema.
使用过度可能导致头痛和反胃。可能会刺激敏感皮肤。不可用在发炎的皮肤状态和湿疹上。 |
Over years Our manufacturers have made leathers that are turned into a wide variety of articles - footwear, bookbinding, gloves, saddles, belts, wallets, bags, sofa and many others.
我们的牛皮革适用于制做皮鞋、皮带、马鞍、皮夹、手套、皮包、沙发等等。 |
Over years our predecessors have made relentless efforts to end the hostility and renew the traditional friendly relations between our two countries.
为了结束中日之间的敌对状态,重续两国传统友好关系,我们的先辈们做出了长期不懈的努力。 |
Over years, when these departments draft and issue any legal documents, such as laws, regulations, judicial interpretations, etc, they all retain some experts and scholars of this center to participate and provide some positive effects.
历年来,这些部门在制定出台涉及刑事诉讼领域的法律、法规、司法解释等法律文件时都聘请该中心的专家、学者参加,发挥积极的作用。 |
Over-Hype: Too much hype and the overuse of superlatives can be the downfall of an otherwise sound business plan. Wow them with the business idea, not hype or buzz words.
过度宣传:宣传泛滥,吹的天花乱坠会使原本合理的商业计划一败涂地。用商业思维来说服他们而不是靠吹嘘和空谈。 |
Over-application of ZSS010 will result in increased levels of weld fume on cutting and welding, and will also increase the porosity of the welds.
如果涂覆过厚,切割和焊接时会产生大量的焊烟,并增加焊接处的孔隙。 |
Over-eager initialization can cause your plug-in's code and data to be loaded long before it is necessary.
过多的初始化导致插件在需要之前就花费很长时间加载插件的代码和数据。 |
Over-eating, especially the consumption of sweet and fatty foods and sodas, is a rising phenomenon in many fast-growing developing countries, compounded by an increasingly sedentary lifestyle.
吃得多,尤其是甜食、油腻的食物和碳酸饮料,以及久坐不运动在许多发展迅速的发展中国家是一种越来越普遍的现象。 |
Over-fishing and pollution from coastal farms were also contributing to the destruction of coral on the Great Barrier Reef.
过度捕捞和沿海农场造成的环境污染也是导致大堡礁逐渐衰亡的原因。 |
Over-grazing and irrigation methods that wash away topsoil were to blame for some of the damage, experts said. Building developments and climate change were doing the rest.
专家指出,因过度放牧或将表土层完全冲刷的灌溉方式都要对土地沙漠化负责.当然房屋开发和气候变化也逃脱不了干系. |
Over-indulging pets can spell disaster for singletons hoping to attract a new partner, according to a survey of attitudes to pet ownership.
根据一份饲主对待宠物态度的调查,过度溺爱宠物,可能对希望吸引新伴侣的单身贵族带来灾难。 |