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A case is studied on the reliability improvement of die bonding machine in the semiconductor industry.

A case in point is that thunderous applause particularly gives to the athletes who get hurt during the competition but continue to complete. 人们将雷鸣般地掌声特别给予那些在比赛中受伤但坚持完成比赛的运动员就是一个例子。
A case in point occurs when governments partly or fully own tobacco companies. 一个恰当的例子就发生政府部门部分或全部拥有烟草公司的时候。
A case in point of this is the steady increase in crime in N .Y. City. 这方面很好的例子就是纽约市的犯罪率在不断地上升。
A case in point would be, Carly Fiorina, CEO of HP. 惠普公司原CEO卡莉-菲奥莉娜就是一个很好的例子。
A case is reported of intrarenal lipoma which had undergone nephrectomy erroneously under the mistaken impression of renal cell carcinoma. 摘要我们报告壹肾脏魛肪瘤病例,因其临床表现疑似肾细胞癌而接受肾切除手术。
A case is studied on the reliability improvement of die bonding machine in the semiconductor industry. 摘要对提高半导体工业键合工艺可靠性进行实例研究。
A case of Boston not signing Matsuzaka and New York signing Igawa would give the Yankees a tremendous upper hand in Japan in terms of both marketing dollars and future deals with players. 当红袜不签松坂,而洋基又签下井川的情形发生,会让洋基在日本市场的收入以及未来在日本交易球员这两件事上极占上风。
A case of extradural angiolipoma with spinal cord compression is reported.A 25 year-old female debeloped gradually progressive lower limbs weakness during a two-year period. 摘要硬脊膜外血管性脂肪瘤是一种少见的良性肿瘤,组织学上包含了不同比例的血管和脂肪组织。
A case of frontal sinus fracture using the endoscope assisted reduction with promising aesthetic result was reported. 本篇文章即是利用内视镜方法辅助前额骨骨折复位,其结果在外观方面令人满意。
A case of inflammatory pseudotumor (IPS) of the urinary bladder is described. 摘要无论从临床或组织病理的观点来看,膀胱发炎性假肿瘤属于罕见之疾病。
A case of internal herniation through a broad ligament defect as a cause of acute abdomen is reported. 摘要本文报告一位经子宫宽韧带缺陷之腹内赫尼亚导致腹部急症之病例。

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