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We cheered at the news that the hostages (had been out of danger ).

We check equivalence of combinational circuits with FUN algorithm, and experimental results show that FAN algorithm is efficient. 利用该算法进行了组合电路的等价性检验,实验结果表明了该方法的有效性。
We check the statement against the invoices, and then I pass it for payment. 我们通常用发票来核对货运单之后,然后才付款给他们。
We checked each key indicator. 我们核对了每个关键指标。
We cheered as he neared the finish line. 当他接近终点线时,我们喝起彩来。
We cheered at the news that the hostages was/were out of danger. 得知人质脱险的消息后,我们欢呼起来。
We cheered at the news that the hostages (had been out of danger ). 我们知道人质脱离危险的消息很高兴。
We cherish you and our quality. We sincerely hope to your satisfied partner, share the achievements, service and feed back to the society. 卜升的品质和您们一样......如金子般的珍贵,我们真诚的希望能成为你满意的合作伙伴,共享成就,服务回报社会。
We chiefly observed style of the poetry of successive from the relation between the style of literature and the rhythm of the meter, changed, handed the text, and explained help was gotten from the angle of the composition language study of a modern meter 摘要本文主要从文学体裁与韵律节奏的关系,观察历代诗歌文体的嬗递,我们借助了当代韵律构词学的角度,分析了汉语的韵律词与音步的关系,也解释了为何四言诗的体裁成为中国韵文体的始祖。
We children all sit around a table to listen to our parents telling us stories or to enjoy some music. 我们孩子们围绕着桌子坐着,听我们父母亲讲故事,或欣赏音乐。
We chipped the old plaster (away) (ie removed it in small pieces) from the wall. 我们把旧墙皮从墙上铲掉.
We choose him as our monitor. 我们选他做班长。

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