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Set the tracking force dial to the zero detent position.

Set the shadow opacity to 100% to get a good solid black. 设置影的透明度为100得到一个实心的黑色圆圈。
Set the size of the shadow to 100 or thereabouts. 设置影的尺寸为100或者近似于这样。
Set the switch DV2 to “ON”. 设置开关DV2至“开”键上。
Set the text color to blue. 设置文字颜色为蓝色。
Set the timer to beep hourly. 将表设置成每小时报时。
Set the tracking force dial to the zero detent position. 将针压钮调到零的位置。
Set the white balance for tungsten. 把白平衡调到钨丝灯模式。
Set them apart for the day of slaughter! 求你将他们拉出来,好象将宰的羊,叫他们等候杀戮的6日子。
Set them in two rows, six in each row, on the table of pure gold before the LORD. 6要把饼摆列两行(行或作摞下同),每行六个,在耶和华面前精金的桌子上。
Set theory is the base of modem mathematics, while the mapping is the basic tool and method in it for setting up concepts and theories of modem mathematics. 摘要集合论是现代数学的理论基础,映射是集合论中用以建立现代数学概念和理论的基本工具和手段。
Set these basins on the entrance of lab. 建议洗手池设置在实验室的入口处。

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