They asked amnesia patients in a study to imagine new experiences and then describe them.
科学家们在研究中要求健忘症病人想象新的经历并进行描述。 |
They asked for a clarification of his position.
他们要求他立场的澄清。 |
They asked for extra compensation.
他们要求额外的赔偿。 |
They asked for further clarification of the government's plans.
他们要求进一步澄清政府的计画。 |
They asked for the finest silk and the most precious gold-cloth; all they got they did away with, and worked at the empty looms till late at night.
他们要求最好的丝与最贵重的金币,他们得到后全都拿走,他们却在空织布机上一直工作到很晚。 |
They asked him to declare another contest.
他们吵得国王不得安宁,非要再比试比试不可。 |
They asked him to leave the meeting, and accordingly he went.
他们要求他离开会场,于是他就走了。 |
They asked him to pay for the damage but he pleaded poverty.
他们要他付损害赔偿金,但他藉口贫穷而不偿还. |
They asked him to pay for the damage but he pleaded poverty.
他们要他付损害赔偿金, 但他藉口贫穷而不偿还. |
They asked him to resign, but he refused to comply.
他们要他辞职,但他拒绝应允。 |
They asked him to take their photos.
她们让他给她们照相。 |