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It is the only international organization that negotiates trade rules.

It is the oldest trophy in sports. 这是最古老的体育比赛奖杯。
It is the one that dominates our official discourse. 此一说法主宰我们政府官员的谈话。
It is the one world in the Solar System that is most like the Earth. 火星是太阳系里与地球最接近的一颗行星。
It is the one-bedroom apartment. The newly all in onedesign, the hallway opens onto the living room with large facing windows, offers a more roomy living area. 这是面积较为适中的一室一厅型寓所。其创新的开放式设计,令餐厅与客厅合而为一,使生活空间倍显宽敞舒适。
It is the only centre of its kind in the United Kingdom dealing with the core sciences and the emerging disciplines such as forensic and sports science. 它是目前在英国唯一一个处理像法庭及体育科学这种新兴学科以及其他核心科学的科教中心。
It is the only international organization that negotiates trade rules. 该组织是唯一商讨贸易原则的国际性组织。
It is the only life you will ever build.Even if you live it for day more that day deserves to be lived graciously and with dignity. 这是你唯一可以营造的生活。即使你只可以再活一天,你也要活得优雅、有尊严。
It is the only literary magazine in the area. 它是该地区的唯一的一本文学杂志。
It is the only natural preserve in China with well protetcted secondary growth for comprehensive and multi-principle research , especially the well protected primeval forest has a critical position for research on evolution of paleophyte . 它是国内次生林区植被保存完整珠一个综合性、多学科的森林生态类型自然保护区,尤其是其保存完好的原始森林,为研究古代植物进化有着极重要的科研价值。
It is the only protected area in the world to incorporate a continuous, intact transect from snowcap to tropical marine environment, including extensive lowland wetlands. 它位于两个大陆板块碰撞的地方,这里的地质情况很复杂,既有山脉的形成又有冰河作用。
It is the only solution possible . 156这是唯一可能的解决方法。

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