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Taking into account the status quo of the moat in Taizhou City and the road arrangements at its center, this paper puts forward some traffic strategies, which succeed in making the traffic in rapport with the scenery and can serve as a comprehensive solut

1 Taking into account colleagues have married, and some have children, she went behind her parents and joined voluntarily to the Xiaotangshan SARS hospital. 已记 看解释
2 Taking into account temperature-dependent thermal conduction and heat capacity, a three-dimensional transient finite element model was established. 已记 看解释
3 Taking into account the characteristics of the NMR spectrum or the resonance peak, the proposed algorithm uses an artificial neural network to choose the most appropriate algorithm to calculate the phase angles of a given peak. 已记 看解释
4 Taking into account the counteraction of the hub-airport to the flight route network, the paper presents the integrated optimization problem of one hub-airport siting and flight route network design. 已记 看解释
5 Taking into account the height of the rooms, it was decided to divide the upper space into two mezzanine floors joined together by two bridge-corridors. 已记 看解释
6 Taking into account the status quo of the moat in Taizhou City and the road arrangements at its center, this paper puts forward some traffic strategies, which succeed in making the traffic in rapport with the scenery and can serve as a comprehensive solut 已记 看解释
7 Taking into account your special case, we will open a green channel for you. Please write an explanation for our Section Chief's approval. 已记 看解释
8 Taking into all these factors, the effect of using organic fertile of marine alga was superior to the other applying fertilizer measures. 已记 看解释
9 Taking into consideration China's rapid GDP growth rate and its 2.1 per cent yuan revaluation in July, the world's fastest growing economy was likely now in or close to fourth place, analysts believe. 已记 看解释
10 Taking into consideration the goal of satisfying the growing social material and cultural demand to the maximum, we regard the output maximization of the total social production at the end of a long-term plan as the function of the model. 已记 看解释
11 Taking into consideration the multi-facetted impact of economic re-structuring on the lives and work of women the conference will discuss the implications of changes in 4 main areas of women's lives: work, health, familial relationships and changes in the 已记 看解释

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