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Rudolph is the reindeer with a red nose.

Rudi:Thank you very much, Mike. 非常感谢你接受采访,迈克。
Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hoss, the superintendent of the camp, before he was executed wrote his detailed memoirs of mass exterminations and the experiments on living bodies. 集中营总监鲁道夫·弗朗茨·费迪南德·豪斯在被处死前曾写下一部回忆录,叙述了大规模杀人以及在活人身上做试验的情况。
Rudolf Walder: Hazardous waste is mainly produced by the industry. 鲁道夫·瓦尔德:有害废弃物主要是由工业产生的。
Rudolf Walder: The project brings knowledge on waste management to those authorities in China who are supervising the environmental protection. 鲁道夫·瓦尔德:这个项目把废弃物管理的知识传授给中国监督环境保护的管理人员。
Rudolf Walder: There is not one specific method for hazardous waste management. 鲁道夫·瓦尔德:有害废弃物管理并没有一种特定的方法。
Rudolph is the reindeer with a red nose. 鲁道夫是一只有着红鼻子的驯鹿。
Rudra: We must entertain our guest! 楼陀罗:我们要盛情款待我们的贵宾!
Rudra:Yes, a very long time! 楼陀罗:没错,一段及其漫长的时间!
Rudwick, Martin. The Great Devonian Controversy: The Shaping of Scientific Knowledge among Gentlemanly Specialists. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985. ISBN: 0226731014. 梅尔廷。《大德文郡的论战:科学知识在绅士派专家中成形》。芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社,1985。ISBN:0226731014。
Rudy Giuliani announced his candidacy on Larry King Live; Mike Huckabee did it on Meet the Press; Hillary Clinton formally threw her hat in the ring via a short web video; and John Edwards made his intentions known with off-the-cuff remarks in the front y 鲁迪·朱利安尼在《拉里·金现场秀》宣布参选;麦克·哈克比在《会见新闻界》;希拉里·克林顿通过一小段网络视频宣布参选,而约翰·爱德华兹则在新奥尔良九区一个残破的房屋前的小空地上发表的即席演说中宣布参选。
Rudy Giuliani is well ahead of him in national polls, and Mitt Romney is trouncing him in Iowa and New Hampshire. 在全国的民意调查中,鲁迪朱利安尼遥遥领先于他,而就算在爱荷华以及汉普郡两州,他也未能敌过米特罗慕尼。

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