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Although antipyretic effect of high dosage of FM was significantly stronger than that of 0. g/kg analgin in -7 hours after administration (P < 0.0), there were extremely significant differences between high dosage of FM and 0. g/kg aminopyrine (P < 0.0).

Alteration on SHGA Type Sectional Warper 对SHGA型分条整经机的改造实践与体会
Alterations in the epidermal-dermal melanin axis and factor XIIIa mel anophages in senile lentigo and ageing skin 老年性雀斑样痣和皮肤老化的表皮-真皮黑素轴和噬黑素细胞因子XIIIa的改变
Alternaria and Botrytis was predominant(.% )of the total number,followed by Penicillium(.7%), Stemphylium(.%), Fusarium(7.8%), Cladosporium(.%), Pythium(.9%),Phytophthora( .8%) and Trichothecium( . %). 而青霉属(Penicillium)、匐柄霉属(Stemphylium)、镰孢属(Fusarium)、芽枝霉属(Cladosporium)、腐霉属(Pythium)、疫霉属(Phytophthora)和聚端孢霉属(Trichothecium)依次占.7%、.%、7.8%、.%、.9%、 .8%和 . %。
Although patients in group B and in group M felt sleepy, the Ramsay scores were similar among the groups (P>0.0). B组例、M组例患者出现嗜睡,但 组Ramsay评分无显著性差异(P>0·0);
Although Monsell' s Solution is out of state,staunch effect is obvious. This solutionis economic,low subside,and operation is simple. 孟氏溶液虽然是种老牌止血剂,但其止血效果显著,此药在胃镜下喷洒经济实惠、技术要求低、副作用少,它能取得全身用药不能达到的满意效果。
Although antipyretic effect of high dosage of FM was significantly stronger than that of 0. g/kg analgin in -7 hours after administration (P < 0.0), there were extremely significant differences between high dosage of FM and 0. g/kg aminopyrine (P < 0.0). 氟尼辛葡甲铵高剂量组在给药后~7h显著强于安乃近0.g/kg组(P<0.0),与氨基比林0.g/kg组相比,差异极显著(P<0.0)。
Although governments put much effort in corporate governance affairs, there were still accounting sandals happened continuously. 然而,在主管机关与公司管理当局均认为企业公司治理机制已有显著的强化后,台湾企业诸如博达、讯碟等公司仍然持续爆发弊案。
Although it is covered by mysterious purdah since it came into being,it has still shined with glistening dazzling luster. 虽然它一直笼罩着神秘的面纱,但却闪烁着夺目的光彩。
Although most results of white blood cell counting and symptoms of patients are in accordance with diagnosis criteria of the Chinese Ministry of Health,snivel and chill display greater frequency. 分析结果表明,SARS患者外周血白细胞变化情况和临床症状基本上与卫生部“非典型肺炎临床诊断标准(试行 )”相符合,但流涕与畏寒症状出现的频率值得探讨。
Although the application of this legal theory appears ignoring corporate porsonality uncover piecing the corporation veiling, and making the shareholder behind respond for company obligations directly. 公司法人人格否认法理的适用,虽然表现为无视公司的独立人格,揭开公司的面纱,让公司背后的股东站出来直接对公司债务负责,但是从实质上分析,该法理的适用结果,不外乎是对公司股东有限责任的一种排除,或称之为股东有限责任的例外。
Although the coal rank is high, the matrix pores, cleats, and fractures are well-developed, therefore, the reservoir permeability is high; 煤阶高,但基质孔隙、割理、外生裂隙发育,储层渗透性好;

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