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To the extent that the Internet is the prime tool for enhancing services such as retailing and banking, productivity growth in the huge services sector is retarded by virtual crime.

To the extent any statute or agency action is found to be unconstitutional, it is invalid. 当法令或机构行为被发现到了违反宪法的程度,它就是无效的。
To the extent permitted by applicable law, Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that the termination of the Vendor's Service for failure to make payments shall not be deemed or considered to be, and Subscriber waives any right to represent or assert that an 在适当的法律允许範围,订阅者承认并同意,由于未付款,而导致贩售商服务终止,不应被视为是一种疏忽,或认为被拒绝或限制进入那斯达克运作的服务或设备是不适当的,且订阅者放弃任何权利表示或声称那斯达克的这类措施,按证券交易法十一条A款,或证券交易法其他法规,条例,规定或解释。
To the extent permitted by law, Midland Realty disclaims all liabilities for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential losses, damages, costs, claims and demands resulting from the use of or reliance on the information provided by this we 在法律许可下,美联物业卸弃一切因使用或依赖本网页所提供的资料而引致的任何直接、间接、附带、特别或相应而生的损失、损害赔偿、费用、申索或要求的所有责任。
To the extent she has no social support in her decision to say no, when a girl for whatever reason wants to say no to sex, today she is always making a personal comment on her date: that he is ugly or in some other way unappealing. 当一个女孩不管出于什么原因想对性交说“不”的时候,她关于说“不”的决定都无法得到社会的支持,在这种意义上,今天的她总是对自己的约会对象进行人身评价:他相貌丑陋,或者在其它某些方面没有吸引力。
To the extent that it is genuine, my caring is not a smothering of the person or a possessive clinging. 只要我的关心是真诚的,我的关心对我所爱的人就不会是一种压制,也不会是一种占有性的依附。
To the extent that the Internet is the prime tool for enhancing services such as retailing and banking, productivity growth in the huge services sector is retarded by virtual crime. 网路已成为诸如零售业与金融业加强服务的主要工具,但大型服务业的生产力成长,却因虚拟世界犯罪行为的阻挠而迟滞不进。
To the external investor share holding enterprises (foreign investment share is no less than 51%), of which fixed assets investment is above 100 Million (including 100 million or 12 million dollars), they have the priority of the arrangement for the plan 第十三条:对固定资产投资1亿元(含1亿元或1200万美元)以上并由外来投资者控股(外来投资股份不少于51%)的企业,优先安排农用地转用计划指标,土地费用的40%开发区财政暂缓征收,可延缓到投产经营之日起五年之后一次性缴纳。
To the flower a bee is the messenger of love. 对花来说,蜜蜂是爱的使者.
To the foreign invested project that is in accordance with the encouraging items of the “ Guide Catalog for Foreign Investment Industries” and transfers technology, its own-use imported equipment within the total investment, except that belongs to the ite 对符合《外商投资产业指导目录》鼓励类并转让技术的外商投资项目,在投资总额内进口的自用设备,除《外商投资项目不予免税的进口商品目录》所列商品外,免征关税和进口环节增值税。
To the former the command, ”Pray without ceasing,” is simply a needless and impossible life of perfection. 对于前者而言,“不住的祷告”不过是不必要也是不可能达到完全的生活。
To the former, methyl oleate mainly influences the partition of surfactants in oil phase and aqueous phase by changing EACN value of oil phase. 在盐体系中,油酸甲醴主要通过改变油相的等效烷烃磅数(EACN)影响表面活性剂在油水相分配。

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