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Power was restored about 8.45pm.

Power the phone OFF and remove the battery. 将电话关机并除去电池。
Power to love and power to change ,power to give are given by nature. 互相帮助,互相给予,这种感觉真好。在论坛,总能感受到有希望在,有热情在,有温暖心灵的鸡汤。
Power to the people. Play can only happen when people feel they have control over their lives. We can't be free agents if we're not free. 给人们以权力.只有人们感觉到他们控制了自己的生命,游戏才能开始.如果我们自己不自由我们就无法给予代理者自由.
Power tools are handy helpers. But they can slash, cut, and mangle flesh and bones— and deliver paralyzing or even deadly shocks. 不好意思同一个帖子频繁发问,只是一碰到生词就很晕,这句话“电动工具是得心应手的帮手。但它们能砍伤,切开皮肉和骨头甚至造成麻痹或者致命的伤害。”
Power was knocked out in large parts of New Hampshire and New York as heavy snow and ice downed power lines and caused treacherous road conditions. 由于厚重的冰雪压坏了电线,新罕布什尔州和纽约州大部分地区的电力中断,道路情况也变得危险.
Power was restored about 8.45pm. 于下午八时四十五分恢复电力。
Power will be the sole definition of virtue. 权力会是定义美德的唯一标准。
Power's work, carried out in the laboratory, indicates that wild oats—a weedy relative of cultivated oats—can “catch” the genes conferring resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus. 包尔在实验室所作的研究显示,野生燕麦(燕麦的野草亲戚)可以「攫取」抗大麦黄矮病毒的基因。
Power, and the anticipation of it, is sweeter than honey on the lips especially when it is seemingly within reach. 梁家杰在参选过程中都曾经讲过他没有预计会胜出,不过希望知道的他是因为相信自己没有能力,还是知道选举不公平。
Power, hand asymmetrica 3-roller bending machine is especially designed for thin sheet. Multifunction operation is obained by changing the folder. 电动、手动偏三星卷板机为加工薄板而设计的轻型卷板机。客户可根据其需要订购扎辘达到一机多用。
Power-brokers and pontificators, Republicans and Democrats, neocons and populists stood in line for a chance to meet the British queen and to catch a few mumbled words of wisdom from the oracle himself, Prince Philip. 政治掮客和权力大佬、共和党人和民主党团、新保守派和人民党员列队而站,静候机会面见英国女王,并听取圣贤飞利浦亲王的喃喃慧言。

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