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[bbe] Then the king said, May the God of Israel be praised, who has given one of my seed to be king in my place this day and has let my eyes see it.

[bbe] Then the flag of the children of Ephraim went forward with their armies: and at the head of his army was Elishama, the son of Ammihud. 按著军队往前行的是以法莲营的纛、统领军队的、是亚米忽的儿子以利沙玛。
[bbe] Then the flag of the children of Reuben went forward with their armies: and at the head of his army was Elizur, the son of Shedeur. 按著军队往前行的是流便营的纛、统领军队的、是示丢珥的儿子以利蓿。
[bbe] Then the heads of families of Judah and Benjamin, with the priests and the Levites, got ready, even all those whose spirits were moved by God to go up and take in hand the building of the Lord's house in Jerusalem. 于是,犹大和便雅悯的族长、祭司、利未人,就是一切被神激动他心的人,都起来要上耶路撒冷去建造耶和华的殿。
[bbe] Then the king said to the servants, Put cords round his hands and feet and put him out into the dark; there will be weeping and cries of sorrow. 于是王对使唤的人说、捆起他的手脚来、把他丢在外边的黑暗里.在那里必要哀哭切齿了。
[bbe] Then the king said, Let Haman come quickly, so that what Esther has said may be done. 在酒席筵前,王又问以斯帖说,你要什么,我必赐给你。
[bbe] Then the king said, May the God of Israel be praised, who has given one of my seed to be king in my place this day and has let my eyes see it. 王又说、耶和华以色列的神是应当称颂的、因他赐我一人今日坐在我的位上、我也亲眼看见了。
[bbe] Then the king sent for Ahimelech the priest, the son of Ahitub, and for all the men of his father's family who were priests in Nob: and they all came to the king. 王就打发人将祭司亚希突的儿子亚希米勒、和他父亲的全家、就是住挪伯的祭司、都召了来.他们就来见王。
[bbe] Then the king sent for Shimei, and said to him, Did I not make you take an oath by the Lord, protesting to you and saying, Be certain that on the day when you go out from here, wherever you go, death will overtake you? 王就差遣人将示每召了来,对他说:「我岂不是叫你指著耶和华起誓,并且警戒你说『你当确实地知道,你哪日出来往别处去,那日必死』吗?
[bbe] Then the king sent for Ziba, Saul's servant, and said to him, All the property of Saul and of his family I have given to your master's son. 王召了扫罗的仆人洗巴来、对他说、我已将属扫罗和他的一切家产、都赐给你主人的儿子了。
[bbe] Then the memory of his dreams about them came back to Joseph, and he said to them, You have come secretly to see how poor the land is. 约瑟想起从前所作的那两个梦,就对他们说,你们是奸细,来窥探这地的虚实。
[bbe] Then the men of the town said to Joash, Make your son come out to be put to death, for pulling down the altar of Baal and cutting down the holy tree which was by it. 城里的人对约阿施说、将你儿子交出来、好治死他、因为他拆毁了巴力的坛、砍下坛旁的木偶。

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