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After the operation, the patient had no recurrence of hydrothorax and underwent CAPD safely.

After the normal air-running, engineer must move the regulating handle to the position corresponding to the pressure which has been set by the pressure reducing valve (pos. no. 28) when the speed of the main engine is more than the air cut speed. 在正常的空气运转后,轮机员必须移动调节手柄到相应的压力的位置,其压力已由压力减压阀28设定,当主机的转速已经高于空气切断转速。
After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise. 民14:34按你们窥探那地的四十日、一年顶一日、你们要担当罪孽四十年、就知道我与你们疏远了。
After the occurrence of a destructive earthquake, the local people's governments at or above the county level concerned shall set up headquarters for resisting earthquake and providing disaster relief, which shall mobilize the departments concerned to imp 破坏性地震发生后,有关的县级以上地方人民政府应当设立抗震救灾指挥机构,组织有关部门实施破坏性地震应急预案。
After the onesided loss against Floyd Mayweather, Arturo Gatti looked finished. After he TKOed Thomas Damgaard, most people said that he can still become a champion. What's your opinion? 在单边倒的状态输给弗洛伊德?梅威瑟尔后,阿图罗?加蒂看上去完蛋了。在他TKO托马斯?达姆加阿德后,多数人说他依然能成为冠军。你的意见呢?
After the operation, I looked like hell for a long time. 手术之后的很长时间我的气色都不好。
After the operation, the patient had no recurrence of hydrothorax and underwent CAPD safely. 术后,病人无水胸复委且可安全地进行连续性腹膜透析。
After the operation, you should avoid strenuous exercise. 手术后不宜做剧烈运动。
After the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) lost the election, its candidate Lien Chan appeared to incite further speculation by referring to unspecified “doubts” and calling the result unfair. 在国民党输掉选战之后,候选人连战提出不确定的怀疑引发更多的猜测,并且宣称选举不公。
After the organizer's death, the organization fell to pieces. 组织者死后,这个组织就解体了。
After the outstanding performance, all the audience are ardently clapping their hands, admiring and acclaiming us. 经过突出的演出以后,所有的听众都热烈地鼓掌,赞美我们。
After the paper has explored these five topics, it concludes that termination exists political dilemmas, macro and holistic thinking is important, termination immunity is possible, frame reflection is necessary, timing choice is critical, and policy learn 而在这五方面的探索后,导出六项重要的啓示:终结的政治困境,宏观与全局思维的重要性,终结免疫的可能性,主事者视框重构的必要性,善择时机的关键性,与政策逐步学习的难免性。

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