He is beloved of his many friends.
他的许多朋友都喜爱他。 |
He is beneath me in education.
他所受的教育在我之下。 |
He is benevolent to old people.
他对老人极为亲切。 |
He is bent on winning at all costs.
他决心不惜一切去争取胜利。 |
He is best known as the subject of William Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth and the many works it has inspired, although the play itself is of limited historical accuracy.
因威廉·莎士比亚以其为主人公创作了《麦克白》及其他在他影响下的创作,虽然戏剧本身并没有忠于历史。 |
He is best known for his antifascist novel The Conformist, which was the basis for the 1970 film The Conformist.
最为著名的反法西斯小说《顺从者》在1970年被拍摄成同名电影。 |
He is better suited to a job with older pupils.
他较适合教小学高年级学生。 |
He is better suited to a job with older students.
他更适合教年龄大些的学生. |
He is big different from unmarried.
他结婚之后性格判若两人。 |
He is big, a barrel-chested guy who could squeeze her to a pulp.
这个男人应该十分高大威猛,胸肌发达,有着足以把她揉成一团的力量。 |
He is bilingual (in French and Spanish).
他操(法语和西班牙语)两种语言. |