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They were minor royalty, for he was a baronet-a title with which he had been presented by Her Majesty Queen Victoria for military service, not an inherited title-but the elderly couple were less stringent about titles and protocol than many others of thei

They were marching on with all speed. 他们正全速行进。
They were married by a priest. 他们的婚礼是由牧师主持的。
They were married by her (ie the bride's) father, who's a bishop. 新娘的父亲是主教, 为他们主持了婚礼.
They were married by her father, who's a bishop. 新娘的父亲是主教,为他们主持了婚礼.
They were matched with a control, teenagers of the same background who were otherwise healthy. 研究人员把这些患者与另一个相同年龄层的健康“控制组”做比较。
They were minor royalty, for he was a baronet-a title with which he had been presented by Her Majesty Queen Victoria for military service, not an inherited title-but the elderly couple were less stringent about titles and protocol than many others of thei 他们是次要的皇家人员,因为他是个男爵--由于他在军队服务而引荐给维多利亚女王陛下时使用此头衔,这不是继承来的头衔--所以这对夫妇不像其他有爵位的人那样讲究头衔和礼节。
They were modeling teapots in clay. 他们用黏土塑造茶壶。
They were more than a month behind schedule, but happy to be past the Great Falls. 虽然他们的进度已落后一个月,但却很高兴终于穿越了大瀑布。
They were mostly factory hands. 他们大多是工厂的工人。
They were no longer occasional practitioners of art, as the cave painters had been, but full professionals — i.e., men skilled in a specialized occupation, practicing it full-time and probably earning all of their livelihood from it. 他们不再像洞穴壁画的创作者一样是艺术品的偶然创作者,而是全职的职业创作者,即:他们擅长于某个特定行业,全职从事之,也许还以此为生。
They were no longer occasional practitioners of art, as the cave painters had been, but full professionals—i.e., men skilled in a specialized occupation, practicing it full-time and probably earning all of their livelihood from it. 「译文」他们不再像洞穴壁画的创作者一样是艺术品的偶然创作者,而是全职的职业创作者,即:他们擅长于某个特定行业,全职从事之,也许还以此为生。

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