Each group of 2-3 students develops a robot capable of searching for hidden metal disks (mines) in a open space.
每一小组由2-3位学生组成,开发一部能够在开放空间中搜寻隐藏的金属碟片(“矿藏”)的机器人。 |
Each group of ink forme roller equipped with individual AC motor freq. converter drive with easy control, flexible operation.
每组印刷着墨辊采用单独电机控制,控制简单、操作灵活。 |
Each group should feature a Rotarian or volunteer who knows the field.
每个小组应有一个扶轮社员或义工对该种职业很熟悉。 |
Each group will complete and document a design layout for a prototype device.
每一小组必须完成一个原型作品的设计图及说明文件。 |
Each had a different solution to the problem.
对这问题各自有不同的解决方法。 |
Each had to put up with traffic problems that blunted their challenge, but the silver arrows were quick.
他们两个人都必须忍受让他们难以发起挑战的交通问题,但银箭赛车的速度很快。 |
Each half of the game begins with a kick-off.
以开球形式开始每个半场比赛。 |
Each hand wheel shall be fitted with a circular nameplate which is in English language on Stainless steel material, indicating the valve number.
每个手轮(操作盘/驾驶盘)的不锈钢部分须帖有相对应的英文铭牌,注明阀门号(这个就不太懂,不知道是什么阀门号码). |
Each has an element of recklessness.
每个力量都带有卤莽的因素。 |
Each has his quota of work for the day.
每个人都有一份当天的工作。 |
Each has his unique potentials -- his capabilities and limitations.
每个人都拥有其独一无二的潜质--他的才能和他的局限。 |