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The expression of p was associated with lympha node metastasis(P<0.0).
p 表达阳性率与淋巴结转移相关(P<0·0);

The expression of caspase and PARP (poly ADP ribose polymerase) were detected using the specific antibodies against activated caspase and p8 fragment of PARP. Caspase 及PARP的表达由特异性抗体抗活性Caspase 和抗P 8片段的PARP检测。
The expression of his glamour legitimacy was that the people,especially teenagers deified Mao Zedong and paid homage to him. There was full of fanatic and deep personality cult in the society. 魅力合法性的表达主要是人民群众尤其是青少年对毛泽东顶礼膜拜,社会中充满着狂热凝重的个人崇拜气息;
The expression of p-MEK,JNK,p-JNK,Caspase- and poly (ADP ribose) polymerase (PARP) were detected by Western blot before and after JNK signal was blocked by SP00,a JNK inhibitor. 以Western blot法检测p-MEK、JNK、p-JNK、Caspase- 及PARP蛋白在AsO 作用下及SP00阻断JNK信号转导通路情况下的表达.
The expression of p,cyclinD and CDK in thymoma 胸腺瘤中p、cyclin D和CDK的表达
The expression of p and ki-7 in adnexal MALT-type lymphoma was compared w ith that in gastrointestinal MALT-type lymphoma. 并与例胃肠MALT型淋巴瘤的Ki-7和p 表达进行对比。
The expression of p was associated with lympha node metastasis(P<0.0). p 表达阳性率与淋巴结转移相关(P<0·0);
The expression of positive neurons of ERa in the cortex and Meynert of the basal forebrain in the model group was significantly less than that in the control group [(.7±.) ,(8.9± 0.) piece; ( . ±.), (. ±.) piece,P<0.0]. 模型组大脑皮质区和基底前脑 Meynert核区雌激素受体α阳性细胞数显著少于对照组[(.7±.), (8.9± 0.)个;( . ±.),(. ±.)个,P<0.0];
The expression of the lao operon invarious bacterial strains harbouring pMG,pMG0 or lambda plac was observed bymeasurement of β-galactosidase specific activity. 同时,我们还测定了包含pMG、pMG0或λplac 不同细胞的β-半乳糖苷酶活力,对lac 的表达作了分析。
The expressions of the position of the motion centre in the tether are given,and the formulae of calculating the tension in the tether are presented,in terms of which frequencies of libration can be determined accurately. 绳系系统运动中心与系统质心不重合。 确定了运动中心在系绳上的位置,并从运动中心概念出发,导出系绳拉力的表示式,阐述了系绳拉力偏差对摆动频率计算的影响。
The expressions to the bittersolution on the infants were the mouth gaping with negative brow andmidface actions(P<0.0). 新生儿对甜、酸、苦、咸味觉反应结果为 9 .%的新生儿对甜味出现面部表情 A,显著高于其它三种味道(P<0.0);
The extent of augment of μmol·L- DMA on LVSP-LVDP, +dp/dtmax, -dp/dtmax is 8. %±., .9%±.9, 7.%±. ; μmol·L- DMA对LVSP-LVDP、+dp/dtmax和-dp/dtmax 的增强幅度分别为8. %±., .9%±.9, 7.%±. ;

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