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Put mud on the sting to take away the pain.

Put more bluntly, that means guns, money and ideas. 说得更直白一点就是:枪炮、钞票和观点。
Put more effort into your work. 你要更加努力地工作。
Put more powder into it! 加油!加把劲!
Put more simply, philosophy is the dressing up in rational argument of moral beliefs, intuitions and desires. 简言之,哲学就是以理性的论证粉饰道德信仰、直觉和欲望。
Put more simply, the “lay” member of society no longer knows how his universe is to be conceptually maintained, although, of course, he still knows who the specialists of universe-maintainance are presumed to be. 简单来说,社会的门外汉不再知道概念化如何维持共同体,然而他当然也知道维持共同体的专家会是什麽角色。
Put mud on the sting to take away the pain. 放泥在刺痛处可以减轻疼痛。
Put my missing for you in the heart on the blue sky. A bright moon is your beautiful looks. 从心中采撷一份思念,嵌进幽蓝的天.一轮明月,就是你美丽的容颜.
Put my walking stick behind the door. 把我的手杖放在门的后面。
Put new samples to end customer for field test in design period, and gather user information. 在新产品的开发阶段,将产品放到最终客户处进行试用及现场测试,收集各种信息。
Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust. 不要把信任托付给钱,而要把钱托付给信任的人。
Put of thy holy mantle and even like him come down on the dusty soil! 脱掉你的圣袍,也像他那样,踏进泥土里吧!

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