When you're the richest guy on block and the most powerful nation on earth, unchallenged, you don't have the natural coalitions that unite you with your allies against your enemy,he said. |
中文意思: 他说:“如果你是街区上最富有的人、地球上最富有的国家,没有人可以威胁到你的地位,那么你与盟国间就没有同仇敌忾的天然联合力。” |
When you're sketching by hand, you aren't bothered with details lik& #101; font, color, alignment, whitespace, etc.
当你用手绘草图时,你不用受到诸如字体、颜色、对齐、空白等细节的干扰。 |
When you're sketching by hand, you aren't bothered with details like font, color, alignment, whitespace, etc.
当你用手绘草图时,你不用受到诸如字体、颜色、对齐、空白等细节的干扰。 |
When you're stuck in despair, no retreat, don't forget family's still waiting for you!
当你陷入绝境,没有了退路,别忘了家还等着你! |
When you're stumped for style, nothing beats the black opaque tights.
如果你不太接受这种风格,那么不透明的黑色连裤袜绝对是最佳选择。 |
When you're talking something over with him, what you think and what you say are pretty much the same thing.
当你与他讨论事情时,你心里想的和嘴上说的基本一致。 |
When you're the richest guy on block and the most powerful nation on earth, unchallenged, you don't have the natural coalitions that unite you with your allies against your enemy,he said.
他说:“如果你是街区上最富有的人、地球上最富有的国家,没有人可以威胁到你的地位,那么你与盟国间就没有同仇敌忾的天然联合力。” |
When you're tired, take a load off your feet; when you make a plan, go for it. Just be happy to be who you are.
当你累了的时候,坐下来歇歇脚;当你制定了一个计划,就行动吧!只要开心地做你自己就行了。 |
When you're trying to make money from your website, it's all too easy to overwhelm your site with ads.
当你试图通过网站盈利时,很有可能会在网站中放置大篇幅的广告。 |
When you're writing working code nearly as fast as you can type and your misstep rate is near zero, it generally means you've achieved mastery of the language.
当你写的能工作的代码和你打字速度一样快,而且失策率为零,这通常意味着你正在精通这门语言。 |
When you've accumulated enough information and are intuitive to it,you will be able to express it subconsciously and convert it into your own belonging.
但你积累了足够的信息,并对其产生了直觉,你将你下意识地把她表达出来,把它转化成你自己的东西。 |
When you've actually played a Warrior, even just once. That's all it takes.
当你玩了一个战士,即使只是一次,你也已经意识到了:战士是废柴。 |