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The aftermath of war is hunger and disease.

The after-dinner speaker was droning on and on and on, boring everyone to tears. 一位晚餐后的讲演者冗长沉闷地说个没完没了,以至使每个人都烦得哈欠连天。
The after-mentioned classification and names of types and genres can not be regarded as a consensus of opinion, it is only a reference in reading and studying, which may give some guidance in design analysis and creation. 当今对室内设计风格和流派的分类,还正在进一步研究和探讨,本章后述的风格与流派的名称及分类,也不作为定论,仅是作为阅读和学习时的借鉴和参考,并有可能对我们的设计分析和创作有所启迪。
The aftergrowth of your harvest you shall not reap, and the grapes of your unpruned vine you shall not gather; the land shall have a year of complete rest. 5庄稼遗落自长的不可收割,没有修剪的葡萄树也不可摘取葡萄。这一年,地要有完全的安息。
The afterlife planes, as represented by the planets, are old dwelling places of the soul. 由行星为其代表的死后层次则是灵魂古老的居所。
The aftermath of mistake took by yourself. 自己犯错误的后果。
The aftermath of war is hunger and disease. 战争的后果是饥饿与疾病。
The aftermath saw countless homeless children roaming the streets of. 暴动的结果是,有无数儿童无家可归,流落接头。
The afternoon sun penetrated the mass of honeysuckle that covered the porch, and fell on my upturned face. 午后的阳光透过门廊上覆盖着的厚厚的一层忍冬,照在我微微仰着的脸上。
The afternoon sun penetratedthe mass of honeysuckle that covered the porch,and fell on my upturned face.My fingers lingered almost unconsciously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring.I did not kno 下午的阳光穿过忍冬凌乱的洒落在走廊上,洒落在我扬起的脸上.我的手指在熟悉的树叶和花朵上漫不经心的游走,它们刚刚长出迎接美好的南方的春天.我不知道将来会带给我什么样的巨大变故.几周的时间里愤怒和痛苦不断的折磨着我,这段充满激情的努力奋斗也以消沉怠倦而宣告结束.
The afternoon's game almost paled into insignificance following the lengthy celebrations but the decision to allow Claude Makelele to take the stoppage time penalty with the game scoreless was definitely not part of the Mourinho masterplan. 在盛大的庆典之后今天下午暗淡无光的比赛已经无关大局,但是补时阶段由马克莱莱主罚点球打破球荒倒绝对不是穆里尼奥宏伟计划中的一部分。
The aftershock frequency decreases regularly with time. 余震的频度随时间有规律地减少。

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