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My father was not very high on pets.

My father was good at languages, but he wasn't very good at maths of science. 我的父亲擅长语言,但不擅长数学和自然科学。
My father was good at languages, but he wasn't very good at maths or science. 我父亲擅长学语言,但他的数学和理科不好。
My father was in one once, though he was not rich enough at the time to command a memorial in church and on this last voyage he suffered only common seasickness. 父亲也曾碰到过一次海难——不过那时他还没钱给教堂捐纪念品,在那次最后的航行中也只是有点晕船而已。
My father was my hero, all throughout my life. 我父亲是我的英雄,在我一生从未改变。
My father was not scientific, so I had to look for a road without having a map. 我父亲没有什么科学头脑,所以我不得不在没有指导的情况下自己摸索。
My father was not very high on pets. 父亲对宠物不感兴趣。
My father was the most important person in the wold to her. 对于我来讲,父亲是世界上最重要的人.
My father was very good at fishing. 我父亲很擅长钓鱼。
My father was violently opposed to my going abroad. 我的父亲对我出国是极力反对的。
My father wasn't in any kind of shape to shop for a valentine. 我父亲根本就病得不能为这个情人节买什么东西。
My father wasn't too keen on the idea of being back in the rat race, but I assured him that this time it would be nothing like that. 我父亲不太热心返回到激烈的竞争中,但我向他保证,没有什么会比它更好了。

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