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Yeah, peaceful... But only from up here.

Yeah, it's me. I'm sorry. Did I scare ya? 是我。抱歉吓着你了吗?
Yeah, it's same as a robber in some sense. 哦,那是另一种形式的强盗。
Yeah, me too. She always whips me up a square meal whenever I go home. (对啊,我也是。每次我回家她总是很快就做了丰盛的菜肴。)
Yeah, me too. She was such a good communicator, wasn't she? Made things really clear. 对,我也是。她非常善于表达,不是吗?她把事情解释得很清楚。
Yeah, no more liquor stores. 是啊,没有更多的饮料店。
Yeah, peaceful... But only from up here. 是的,和平……但只是从上面看如此。
Yeah, she's a piece of work. 是呀,她可是很有型的。
Yeah, some folks with some serious free time on their hands. You have to love both baseball and the Supreme Court to get much out of this one. 是的,有些人也有很认真的业馀时间。你必须同时热爱棒球和最高法院才能从这个网站斩获许多。
Yeah, straight to heaven for Mick Dundee. 对,米克·邓迪直升天堂。
Yeah, the car hit three pedestrians. Police suspected that the driver was driving under the influence. (有啊,那辆车撞到三名路人。警方怀疑这名驾驶当时是酒醉驾车。)
Yeah, the part about the bans not being appealable is being removed, actually, and there's some talk about emailing all of those people again. 是的,封号不能申诉的(回复)内容已经被删除,实际上,我们也有一些讨论要再次发邮件给所有那些玩家.

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